What do you mean Gondor needs no pants there is no #1? Okay, is there an "all of the above" option then? I like to be flexible. Plus, if you write it then I won't feel compelled to write it :D
I started writing #1! I got like four lines in and went nah, I'll just tell the internet instead. If you wrote it, I would be miles and miles and MILES more compelled to read it than if I wrote it. I'm just sayin.
But that's the whole beauty of it. You don't have to be doing something to do something. Maybe Eames is peeling carrots for soup and Arthur is polishing his shoes. Maybe Arthur's cleaning the stove while Eames is waiting for the kettle to de-lime. There could be conversations while organizing CDs and/or DVDs. While doing the grocery shopping. Waiting for petrol (even though you are not supposed to talk on your mobile at the petrol station). Talking while waiting in traffic. It could even end with the waiting in traffic conversation resulting in somebody turning up on someone else's door step!
And maybe Arthur puts Eames on hold to pay for take out, only it takes longer than expected and Eames is still waiting for him when he gets back. And as everyone knows, talking to someone while they're eating in your ear = love.
I'm a firm believer that a story doesn't have to have a lot going on to have something going on. That's why I liked your last Inception story so much. Just go with what you want to see, the rest of it will follow.
Furthermore, if you do not write this story, you will force me to do so, and after I am done I will come to where you are and hit you over the head with one of those fluffy Styrofoam bats.
Um, so here's what I'm pulling for. What if we both wrote different versions and avoided styrofoam violence in the process!? I don't know, I'm of the opinion that they could be wildly different even with the same jumping off place.
Or maybe I just want to read what you'd write. Either or.
That is not what was supposed to happen! You are supposed to write it. Plus I already told you what I'd do, there'd be no surprise. You are just trying to trick me. (Even though it's kind of working).
I've been out of town this weekend, but I have been pondering this. I will tell you no lies ;-)
ETA: I mentioned this idea to my beta is she was all THAT'S THE BEST IDEA EVER, YOU ARE GONNA WRITE IT. I see you two double teaming. The story even gave itself a name. Fine. You win. I will see what it tells me this week.
What do you mean Gondor needs no pants there is no #1? Okay, is there an "all of the above" option then? I like to be flexible. Plus, if you write it then I won't feel compelled to write it :D
And maybe Arthur puts Eames on hold to pay for take out, only it takes longer than expected and Eames is still waiting for him when he gets back. And as everyone knows, talking to someone while they're eating in your ear = love.
Furthermore, if you do not write this story, you will force me to do so, and after I am done I will come to where you are and hit you over the head with one of those fluffy Styrofoam bats.
Or maybe I just want to read what you'd write. Either or.
(Even though it's kind of working).
ETA: I mentioned this idea to my beta is she was all THAT'S THE BEST IDEA EVER, YOU ARE GONNA WRITE IT. I see you two double teaming. The story even gave itself a name. Fine. You win. I will see what it tells me this week.
wait. That means I have to write it too.
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