Sep 22, 2003 15:56
I've hit a point that i haven't been at in a long time. I don't give a flying fuck about anything anymore. Nothing matters to me ... nothing. I don't care. I'm like a lil drone walking around. LOL i sound like a little child whining and whimpering. It's a good thing that i don't own a fast car or a motorcycle right now cuz i'd be in it and gone .... following the west bound signs till i met the ocean. I wouldn't be missed much just a memory. The rents they'd miss me just b/c they didn't have control anymore. But this little theoretical scenario is pointless cuz i don't have a fast car or a motorcycle and i can't follow any west bound signs. I'm stuck in school and that's all that matters to my parents ... that i'm in school. Well, if i'm over seas and in school im still in school. Maybe things will sink in for them maybe they'll understand but i doubt it. Another piercing isn't gonna solve this one!!! Sorry for the bullshit rambling.