Nicknames: lamby, lamb, kyle, klamb, ky
B-day: january 5th
Age: 14
Sex: male
Where do you live: malvern.
school: malvern prep
Siblings and their ages: Sean-16, Timmy-10
Pets: well we didnt name 2 of them cus we got them from the lab rescue, so dont laugh at there odd names..
Tango-yellow lab
Wilbure-chocolate lab
Duke-golden rechreiver
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Righty or Lefty: Righty
YoUr LoOkS
Hair color: blonde, baby!
Eye color:blue !
Do u wear contacts or glasses: i wish...
Do you have any piercing: a half closed one on my ear
Where do you want it to be, if you want more?:
Do you have a tattoo: nope
If so what and where:
Do you wear any rings: nope
Do you have a certain fashion you follow: not really..
JuSt LaTeLy
How are you today: pretty good ! how about yourself
What underwear are you wearing right now: let me check... Tommy Hilfiger ;]
What does your hair look like at the moment: ummm like it always does?
What song are u listening to right now: Sympathy- Goo Goo Dolls
What was the last thing u ate: Salad
How is the weather right now: um, cold-ish
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?- my aunt
Last Dream you can remember: ummm havent had one in a while unfortunatly
Who are you talking to right now: jen <3
MoRe AbOuT yOu
ever almost died: yep! in Alaska, we were on a cruise, and it had rained the night before, and some one was int he way of my, and i stepped on the chair, and slipped, and my dad grabbed me before i went over. (thats a true story..)
How do u eat an Oreo: i chew it..
What makes you happy: friends, mail, text messagges, comments, music, sports, my family, no hw, and thats all i can think of right now..
What's the best advice ever given to you:umm hahaha..
Have u ever won any special award: yes ! mvp, most improved, coaches award, and mvp again.
What are your future goals?: acting
Do u like to dance: hells yeah
Worst sickness you've ever had: um, chiken pox..
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?: ive done a lot of stupid things..
What's your favorite memory: i have WAY too many
If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: my height
Where do you shop the most: the mall..
How many kids do you want to have: 2 or 3
Son's name: Jack, Luke
Daughter's name: Lucy
Do you do drugs:nope
Do you drink: sometimes
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use: what evers in the shower ;]
What sport do you hate the most: baseball
What are you most scared of: saw..
How many TV's do you have in your house: 8 i think
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: someetimes. i mean.. no
Who do you tell your dreams to? no one
Who's the loudest friend you have: hahaha ummmm
Who's the quietest friend?: tyler
Is Cheerleading a sport?: oh yes
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?: i dont know ;] wanna find out !?
ohh babay...
YoU aNd LoVe
Do you believe in Love: yes sir.
Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend: no
Do you believe in Love at first sight: i dont kno, should i walk by again?
Where would you like to go on your honeymoon: "to the stars..."
What song do you want played at your wedding: the same one my parents had
Longest crush: 5th grade baby-6 months ;]
Are you shy to ask someone out: very
Do others find you attractive: i dont know
ThIs Or ThAt?
Lights on/off: depends
Sun or rain: both
Mickey D's or BK: both ! cus im fat like that
scary or happy movies: happy
Backstreet Boys or NSYNC: nsync. hahah jen...
On the phone or in person: phone
Summer or winter: BOTH <3
Hugs or kisses: BOTH
Chocolate or white milk: white
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: ROOT BEER
CD or Tape: CD
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
Skiing or Boarding: Skiing
Cake or pie: pie
Diamond or pearl: diamond
sunset or sunrise: BOTH
Color:ocean turquose sea foam green? [the color of my fav. polo]
Fast Food: fries
Candy: all of them
Sport: lax
song: a lot
#: 7
Actor or Actress: a lot
show: laguna beach, OC
Game: ddrmax 2
Loved someone so much it makes you cry: once
Drank: hells yeah
Broken the law: maybe..
Ran from the cops: nope
Stole something: once.. i think i was like a starburst tho..