(no subject)

Feb 17, 2006 16:36

okay, so im feeling pretty shitty. and im mad and annoyed and angry and pissed and tired and bored and shitty.
but as claudia does, im eatting away my problems - so far since ive been home ive eatten 3 waffles, a pudding, an apple and some valentines day candy taht my mom gave me. "food is my friend" (douglas heffernan).
school was much funner than after school which is kinda pathetic, eh? :/
oh yeah, and i love claudia elizabeth monica agnes brady like a fat kid loves cake. haha fat kid. :/

im waiting for liz to come back from away and i reallly need to talk to kristen but shes not answering her phone. arg.

but anyways.. school was fun

science - we did nothing just talked and watched a video thingy and the lady had some really sexy overalls on and i wanted them
2nd period - i was at guidance with claudia, liz &kate.. we chatted w/ mrs. jones for a bit
math - i took a test in the hallway all by myself :(
spanish - we were in the lab and me and michelle were looking at the "clothes worn on one tree hill" it was fun.. i think i like haley's clothes the best. haha then mrs. hessel came over to us and i didnt realize it and i was playing tic-tac-toe with chad and james's heads.. yeah and she totally saw me doing ot - but she didnt yell at me =]
creative living - we ate some 3 musketteers that laurie had in her locker - then i started sewing my pants :)
lunch - was lunch...
social studies - we talked about where we were from - i was the only one who had ancestors in newfoundland...
art - me, trish, alice and nicole went on the computerrr
language arts - b to the oring. haha
then we walked to kates and things just happened from there.


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