Cause I love youuuuuuu...

May 10, 2008 07:20

Nights in White Satin- The Moody Blues

Okay, so, (that seems to be my most often used starter for a journal entry) last night Jade and I went w/ Kevin and Cassie to go hang at the house where the Hail Siezures live on the West Side.
Their house is so amazing. It's called a Raccoon Collective, lovingly misspelled Racoon like the song, which is the inside of their house being coated with animal art. It's amazing. There's dogs and birds and cats and many other animals in art and photography, just all over the walls. It's really cool. I saw a hut that a guy made to live in out of sticks and canvas, but it's amazingly put-together, with plastic over the windows and it's collapsible and it looks like an Indian hut. That was in the backyard, soon to be moved to the East Side.
I fought with Alex. He joined the military and said my friends deserved to get pepper-sprayed for their efforts to stop the military shipments going through the Port of Olympia, and I screamed at him on MySpace. Luckily I didn't take Harry Potter's CAPSLOCK OF RAGE™, but he apologised and I apologised and explained why capitalism is bad.
And anarchy and dumpster diving and shoplifting are good.
Or whatever.

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Am at Jade's, almost everyone is up, (i.e. not-Jade and not-Fiona) and I like watching pretty people sleep. That is all.

But watching her sleep for like, two minutes was boring so I got on the internet.
Even if she is very pretty. :)

suddenly an anarchist, videos, friends

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