fat sex

Sep 20, 2005 10:30

i remember you now...
darkened by the sun
dimly lit theaters
coarse ash coloured hair
getting your rox off

like i just did

On My Back, so to speak
best article i've ever fucked mySelf to.

Thinking of fucking you...like i never did.
had the chance so many times.

i would have fisted you,
if you'd have let me.

too long of nails, too thin of hands...
just down right too bony, ehh, ma chere?

breasts that i squeezed, lips that i bit, neck that i kissed.
flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood.

put a swagger in my step; kept me in line, for love of you.
would have died for you, nearly did.
would have killed for you, nearly did (alas, poor mia, you knew her Too Too well, wHoratio).

enough lust for you, for each and every pound, every single inch of your frame.

my Venus, of Yore
what she Use to Look like

All Hips, All Ass, All Tits...figuratively speaking, Never!


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