Nov 27, 2007 12:28
So I happened to go into pcc the other day and saw that a friend had posted wondering what had happened to myself and elaine. I replied to the 2 friends in the post about what is going on with me...and the fact that I have not spoken to Elaine myself in several months, and am concerned about her. I checked my email today and there are some messages from ppl there asking how i am or wishing me luck with the pregnancy/babies...which is so nice! HOWEVER there in the middle of them is an email from someone who I considered a friend...asking me to tell Elaine to return some of her clay stuff to her. WTF? No hi how are you, nothing..just asking me to yet again act as Elaines personal secretary. This is not the first time this person has done this, in fact al of the contact I have had with this woman over the last 5 mo has been msgs from her asking me to tell Elaine this or that for her. NEVER once asking how *I* am. I mean if she really does not care about me in the slightest..fine. however to have th enerve to *tell* me to pass along a message for you is just outright rude, and news flash the world does not revolve around YOU. If I were to suddenly hear from Elaine after over 2 months...the first thing I would ask her is not about your freaking clay stuff..but if SHE was ok.
I am writing this here for several reasons.
1. I need to vent and cool down before I reply to this person, because i really feel the need to tell her EXACTLY how I feel...and I dont want to bite her head off in the process.
2. Elaine if you happen to read this, I am quite concerned about you. I thought we had become quite good friends..but your dissapearance from the face of the earth has me both angry and confused. I hope with all my heart that you are ok and all is well with you and your family. At the same time if you have just decided to cut ties for whatever reason couldf you at least let me know so I can stop worrying about you and get on with my life?
3. I know several of you who read this know the person who I am talking about. Since I do plan to write to her I figured I'd put this out there...just in case there is backlash or yall know where i stand.
4. I was hoping as I typed this and cooled down I would think differently but I dont...i am hurt and angry. Perhaps you think I am being overly sensitive, but this is not the first time I have been contacted to act as a communication conduit for this person..and a few others as well. Apparently I can fall off the face of the earth and for a few people the only loss would be that one of their means of communication with Elaine is cut off. Have any of them tried to contact her to ask about me? I doubt it! I understand me not being on ppls radar and not thinking about how I am doing as part of everyday life, really I do ...we are just internet 'friends' afterall and real life should be top priority. I have not been around pcc in a while because of the CTS issues, but also because I miss my clay SO much it is painful adn reading about other peoples fun is also painful, so I stopped
To thos of you i have had passing contact with ..thank you for at least taking the 3 seconds it takes to ask how I am. I know I have not been around and perhaps am missing out on important things in your lives..and I am sorry if you needed support and I was not there to do that. But the few seconds you have taken to ask a simple how are you means a obviously some people who I thought cared a little bit, dont at all