Oct 13, 2006 15:31
i've been told that ryne and i are alot alike..that really pisses me off..b/c everytime he goes and does something like this..i feel like i need to justify myself..proove that i'm not like him at all..my worst qualities are his best on a GOOD day..i can't believe someone can insult me so much by saying that..ryne disgusts me..and by being told that i'm like him makes me feel like shit..why would i want to be like someone who disgusts me?? i dont..and i dont believe that i am..i do not view myself like that at all..even if i thought that one ounce of me was that bad..i would change in an instant..b/c i would not want to be like him..i wouldnt do that to ppl and i dont..so why would someone say that i am like him? i dont get it..
currently..he is not talking to me..i tried im'ing him to tell him to take his flag down b/c i am going home..which means that my door will be locked..he will not have access to it and b/c it's so windy i fear that it'll come loose and fall on top of someone's car..i know that some would say that i'm being pessimistic..but i'm the one who sees it flopping around outside in the 20mph wind gusts..hoping the rope wont break or the pole wont break apart(it came in two parts)..i told him that if he does not take it down..it is not my responsibility if something does happen..b/c i warned him..he replies with(30 min later) "christina dont talk to me" and he signed off..what a fucking fruit..what's he gonna do next..block me?? like adam brown..haha..that would be funny actually b/c i could just go downstairs if i wanted to..but i dont want to see his face..
i really hope he moves out come winter..b/c idk how much more i can take of this..how many times has he came up at 2 in the afternoon yelling at ppl that they woke him up? how can he seriously say that!? it's 2pm..and he gets pissed when we tell him we can't sleep at 1am when we need to sleep for class..what a hypocrite..all he does is drink all the time..4 days in a row..b/c he has a four day weekend..how could you stand living like that? he called me boring last night b/c i never drink with them..he also said that i'm too good to drink..and yeah..that's true..b/c i dont see the point in getting drunk every fucking day..there are better things to do with my time..i'm actually going somewhere in life..i've been there done that and now it's boring..so ya know what? he can go to hell..i think it's idiotic to spend 95% of your time drinking..and the other 5 % bitching..
haha..to ppl out there it prolly looks like i spend 95% bitching cuz that's the only kind of entries i have lately..oh well..most of you know me..so i shouldnt' have to worry to much..i would hope that's not the impression i give off to everyone in person..
i just need someplace to vent and relax..b/c i dont want to waste time when i'm actually with someone bitching about something when i could just do it here..and it would helpful to me..i will try to post more entries about what else is going on..so it doesn't seem like all i do is bitch..cuz i know those entries can get annoying..but if something does happen like this again you better believe you will hear about it..and i guess if it happens close to everyday..then oh well..haha..
anyway..it's been awhile and i'm going home soon..i'm working a wedding this weekend..on saturday night..i wasn't going to go home til tmrw..but i would rather go home tonight where i can have fun and relax and SLEEP..i'm so behind and i'm tired..i can't wait to see my dogs:) i miss them..i wish i could've brought my dog here..maybe next year...alright..i hope everyone enjoys their weekend..later:)