Jul 19, 2010 13:42
I came back from a looooong vacation (out of internet and everything). The news welcomed me was definitely not endearing. Somehow before I turned on the computer I had a weird feeling like "Don't tell me that KAT-TUN is officially KaT-TUN rite now" and was startled because I was RIGHT. There were all sort of panic a few moments. Even the urge of crying. Then it's all calm. It's nothing new after all. Everybody even the fans who keep saying "it won't happen" (including me) fears of it at the bottom of their hearts. I have always told my best friend that their separated activities thing is actually there for us to get prepared for this all coming. MENTALLY. I think I'm rite cuz the chaos rite now is much better than that one.
So I come to this:
1. I will not sign any petition for Jin coming back. I don't feel like it and I don't think it's of any use.
2. I'm against any project of trying to promote the idea of forever 6nin KAT-TUN at the concert cuz it's just simply so rude. It's like telling them that we do not support the KAT-TUN now.
3. I always prefer 6nin - KAT-TUN than 5nin KAT-TUN. Yet I'm not begging for it
4. I'm done with hate-Jin-phase. Hate takes lots of time and energy. And not everything is of his false
5. Instead of saying "SHUT UP KAME HATERS FOR FLAMING HIM BECAUSE OF TAKING THE A", I fell for this: "A will always belong to Akanishi Jin. 10 years ago when they started, 4 years ago when they debuted, now, and forever. You can take him out of their future, but don't erase the past that he contributed." (quoting maishampoo)
6. I will support KAT-TUN no matter what. So, good luck everyone :)