Animal Chin

Mar 23, 2010 01:09

Denim daddy.


I think life without tuxedo cats would barely be worth living. No human being can give me the love I need....there's always something in the way. The human species fails to supply the kind of boundless adoration I get from most cats....the inverse of this is that no cat will ever fully trust a human...nor should they....there's always something in the way, some barrier preventing a cat from just giving all of its self...but if ever a (young) man has come close...surely it is I, Goo.

I'm really only honest and vulnerable with three people on this earth...two of them are my friends, the other is my mother. Another personette once came really close to cracking the goo code, but whatever.

Today I went to Agassiz. Twas noice. I painted on some trains, and saw some interesting birds. Here are the ones I could identify:

Northern Flicker x 2
Bohemian Waxwing (could have been a Cedar Waxwing....hard bird to identify)
Lesser Scaup
American Kestrel (!!!!!!!! so rad)
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser
Barrow's Goldeneye

I also saw some migratory songbirds that I'll identify shortly. A certain Rufous-Sided Towhee imposter has been kicking it outside my window in the mornings. No idea what it song, and looks sort of like a Rufous-Sided Towhee, only smaller and with more intense markings. Such a good time of year to see birds.

I've been really feeling the primary cavity excavators like the Northern Flicker. It's a big bird...about the size of a crow, with real cool markings. Here, have a look!

Seen a bunch of these now...I even know of a nesting site within a twenty minute bus ride of my front door. You just have to have the right vibe and these things will come to you. Having certain crystals doesn't hurt either, obvsly.

As of April 6th, 2010...I will legally be able to purchase both rifles, and restricted firearms and ammunition in Canada. Good idea? No. Nonetheless, it's happening.

Also, Goo is crushing. Big surprise.

On a somewhat related note, nostalgia can be a real pain the rear sometimes. Makes a person's head all crazy....only remembering the good things, when there had to be a reason or reasons to break up in the first place.....but I can't really remember what those reasons were, and I'm pretty sure whatever reasons there were, are gone now. Oh well. Such is life.

Planning on hitting Yellowstone park again this September. Such a tight spot. Bison = one of my many spirit animals.

Been reading lots. Teen fantasy. Dragons and kingslayers and shit. Real mature.


All I've been listening to is ANTENA-CAMINO DEL SOL. some of the songs have been so heinously ripped off by's unreal. I guess she never thought the Antena records would see the light of day, and they almost didn't! I guess she wasn't counting on Numero somehow digging that uber rare shit up and re-releasing it. The record is game tight. A++ perfection.

I've been getting into incense as well. I feel like its really aiding my astral flight and animorphism. Go figure. Pretty sure last night I transformed into a dung beatle.....or an albatross around Jann Arden's neck. Maybe tonight I can try for something a little more glamorous.....a carp? Marabou Stork? Proboscis Monkey? God's cruelest jokes.

lately this has been occupying a large portion of my thought process:


I've known two. One is a terror, the other I think about daily and miss very much.

cat butt, butt

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