Nominations won't start until January 8th, but I'm posting the category descriptions for people to look over and familiarize themselves with. There are twenty-seven different categories (highlighted in bold below). Please note some changes from last year's competition: 'Best Alternate Universe' and 'Best Work-in-Progress' have been added to the lineup, and 'Best Smut/Sex Scene' has been divided into 'Het', 'Slash', and 'Femslash'.
Don't be overwhelmed by the number of categories - you won't be required to submit nominations for all of them if you don't want to. Remember: nominations do not open until January 8th, at which time the official ballot and rules for nominating will be posted. No ballots will be accepted before that time. In the meantime, look over the category descriptions and the proceedings posted on the 'profile' page, and feel free to ask any questions you might have.
Another change from last year's event: 'Work-in-Progress' fics (multichapter fics that were updated during 2009 but remain incomplete as of December 31st, 2009) will only be eligible for nomination under the 'Best Work-In-Progress' and 'Best Series' categories (assuming that they meet the remaining criteria for each category). Full details will be posted along with the nomination FAQ once nominations open. Please keep this in mind when considering your nominations.
Happy almost New Year, everyone! And don't forget to spread the word about this event! :)
2009 Categories
1. Best New Author
*For the best new author to the 'Criminal Minds' fandom. Must have started posting CM fics online during the year 2009. Please include a link to their user profile.*
2. Best Author Team-Up
*For Round-Robins and collaborative works between two or more authors. Prizes will be awarded to each member of the team.*
3. Best Author Overall
*For the very best author in the fandom (remember, this does not necessarily mean the most prolific author). Please include a link to their user profile.*
4. Best Drabble
*Must be shorter than 500 words in length.*
5. Best Oneshot
*Must be longer than 500 words in length.*
6. Best Multichapter
*Must be two or more chapters and longer than 1000 words. Cannot be incomplete (Work-In-Progress), and must have been updated during the year 2009.*
7. Best Casefic
*For the best fic focusing on an original case (not from the show). Can be any length/character/genre/pairing/etc*
8. Best Series
*For the best series of two or more fics, designed in sequel fashion and centering around similar plot/characters/themes/etc. Fics in the series may be oneshots or multichapters. Work-in-progress series (a series of fics that is ongoing, or where the latest fic in the series is incomplete as of December 31st, 2009) are eligible, provided that the series has been updated (new fic(s)/chapter(s) added) during the year 2009. Please submit the name of the series (if applicable) and the title and link of the first fic in the series.*
9. Best Work-in-Progress
*For the best fic that was originally posted/updated during 2009 but is incomplete as of December 31st, 2009. Must be a single fic, and have indications that the author planned to write more. Does not apply to a series of fics that is incomplete. Can be any length/character/genre/pairing/etc.*
10. Best Comedy
*For the funniest C.M. fic of any length/character/pairing/etc. Includes humorous concept, dialogue, or plot.*
11. Best Drama
*For the best dramatic C.M. fic of any length/character/pairing/etc. A fic with serious content that may depict real-life situations.
12. Best Tragedy/Angst
*For that angsty fic that makes you want to cry (or raid the kitchen for comfort food). Includes sad, emotional, and mentally gut-wrenching fics. May be any length/character/pairing/etc.*
13. Best Alternate Universe
*For the best fic where one or more factors deviate strongly from canon. This can involve the fic being in a different time period than the show, team members not being in the BAU, 'What if?' scenarios, etc. May be any length/character/pairing/etc.*
14. Best Parody
*For poking fun at the BAU and their counterparts. May also include parodies of other works (movies/genres) using Criminal Minds characters.*
15. Best Het Romance
*For the best het C.M. fic of any length/character/het pairing/etc. Can include other types of pairings, but must focus on het.*
16. Best Slash Romance
*For the best slash C.M. fic of any length/character/slash pairing/etc. Can include other types of pairings, but must focus on slash.*
17. Best Femslash Romance
*For the best femslash C.M. fic of any length/character/femslash pairing/etc. Can include other types of pairings, but must focus on femslash.*
18. Best Het Smut/Sex Scene
*Must be male/female pairing. Warnings and ratings will be posted alongside nominations, and participants under 17 are asked to respect the restrictions regarding these ratings.*
19. Best Slash Smut/Sex Scene
*Must be male/male pairing. Warnings and ratings will be posted alongside nominations, and participants under 17 are asked to respect the restrictions regarding these ratings.*
20. Best Femslash Smut/Sex Scene
*Must be female/female pairing. Warnings and ratings will be posted alongside nominations, and participants under 17 are asked to respect the restrictions regarding these ratings.*
21. Best Crossover
*For the best crossover between Criminal Minds and another series (book/television/movie/etc). Can be any length/character/pairing/etc.* 22. Best Death Scene/Story
*For that character death fic that leaves you wanting more. Fic that inflicts mental and emotional pain. Can be any length/character/pairing/etc.*
23. Best Portrayal of a Main Character
*Includes Hotch, Reid, JJ, Garcia, Morgan, Prentiss, Rossi, Gideon, and Elle. Please include which character you think it is best portraying in your nomination form.*
24. Best Portrayal of a Supporting Character
*Includes any canon character not mentioned above. Please include which character you think it is best portraying in your nomination form.*
25. Best Friendship Fic
*For the fic that best portrays the non-romantic relationship(s) between two or more canon characters. Please include which character relationship(s) you think it best portrays in your nomination form.*
26. Best Team Fic
*For the fic that best portrays the majority of the BAU equally, in all their team-like glory.*
27. Best Original Character
*For the best OC in a Criminal Minds fic. Note: The character you are nominating can appear in more than one fic, but please only nominate the fic you think best portrays them. Fics must include Criminal Minds character(s) in addition to the OC in order to qualify.*