Apr 24, 2006 21:05
Finally!!! My finger is FREE !!!! No "buddy wrap," no splint, just an elastic "protector" should I feel the need to wear one. The physical therapist showed me the magic of moist heat to dissolve stiffness and promote movement in my painfully stiff joints, and all the little exercises I should do to get my damn hand back. God I look forward to having TWO HANDS.
It was a summery day today, too bad I spent it mostly indoors and riding on infernal contraptions. It's great to have on my summer clothes in late April!
I'm cooking some Czech goulash, mom-in-law's recipe. It's simple and delicious, and I guess i'm going to have to make it every week in order to not waste the potatoes that New Roots Organics has been delivering. Since I'm in weight-loss mode, I'm avoiding a lot of last-to-burn carbs such as those found in potatoes, bagels, white bread, etc. It's SO NICE to have my work pants falling off of me. Guess I'll root around in the closet for some older ones! (Yiiippeeeeee!!!) Ooohhh, reminds me, I better drink some water...gotta keep flushing out them toxins as they're released from dissipating fat.
(ted kaslu na diakritiky, asi to opravim pozdeji)
Český bramborový guláš
cca 8 - 10 bramboru
2 - 3 cibule
Kabanos nebo párky
cca 4 káv. lžicky majoránky (nebo vic, nikdy neni prilis moc ;)
3 bobkove listy
10 cely pepr
2 káv. lžicky papriky
1 káv. lžicky kari koreni
Cibuli zpenim na oleji - kratce brambory nakrajim na kostky a zamicham je s cibuli. Pridam vodu, majoranku, bobkovy list, pepr a varim v zakrytem hrnci az brambory zmeknou.
Pridam sul, nakrajeny kabanos a necham chvili prejit varem. Na konec pridam papriku a kari koreni a to take kratce prejde varem a musi se michat, protoze paprika se pripaluje.
Czech potato goulash
cca. 8 - 10 Czech-sized potatoes (about half the size of most American potatoes)
2 - 3 Czech-sized onions (as above)
Kabanos or smoked sausage
4 tsp. marjoram (or more, you can never have too much ;)
3 bay leaves
10 peppercorns
2 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. mild curry
Saute onions in a fine olive or vegetable oil, while chopping the potatoes into cubes. Once the onions have become translucent, add the cubed potatoes, water, marjoram, bay leaves and peppercorns and bring to a medium boil. Cook in a covered pot until the potatoes become soft.
Meanwhile, slice the kabanos. Add salt, the sliced kabanos and resume at a medium boil for a short while. Finally, add the paprika and curry, allow it to gently boil for a while. Be sure to continually stir it, because paprika will scorch.