Back in Hamilton

Apr 26, 2006 17:54

Hello! Well let me see, for those of you who were anticipating my unnecessarily messy and spread out demise, hah. I live! This is not, alas, because I got to go jump out of a plane with discount skydiving (and when I say it like that I think, "Good.") but the day was not completely wasted, I drove for many k's in the pouring rain like the bad ass race driver that I am. Or the old granny, it depends entirely really. In any case, I went from Taupo to Waitomo in a reasonable time and got to look at the Glowworm museum. Arachnocampa Luminosa, the Luminescent Camping Spider, which is a fair and accurate description of the glow worm. Although I was shocked and disappointed to hear that they missed out on the description of them as cannibalistic maggots with glowing poo. I also went to the Angora shearing shed and I may be a cruel and heartless individual, but to me, there are few things I've seen as funny as a sheared bunny shivering in its hutch. It may be because they otherwise look like fluffy pom poms and are fun to rub your nose on. Mmmm. Soft. I also made my way to Kiwi Encounter and actually got to see a kiwi! Exciting stuff, they are comical birds with their big beaks and they are assured government jobs at the Ministry of Silly Walks. I also saw a darling display of raptors and other birds there and I stand by my description of Wekas as "amphibious chickens". Call a spade a spade and a man portable earth moving device a shovel, that's me.

The white water rafting was rather good fun, I have many visions of white filling my field of vision altogether. Rowing in a team was also part of the fun. However my short term memory appears to have been damaged by the proximity of these magnetic coils which have lead to my short term memory having beend damaged. In addition the magnetic coils have meant that my short term memory isn't what it used to be*.

Today was also exciting for me in a specific manner, I actually got to go and see a hydrogen peroxide factory. It uses the Dupont method so there's a suspended palladium black catalyst on alumina in the hydrogenation step. They are 95% "tetra" form of the hydrogenated anthroquinone but they are still technically an "anthra" process. From reading Ullers or Ulthar's or whatever it's called, I approve of this policy because it means they avoid the byproducts associated with the "all-tetra" reaction scheme whilst retaining its high rate of oxidation. My apologies for the brevity of the description but it set me to thinking, not the least of it being a possible emulation of my good friend King_Simon who has just been published in a reputable science magazine. (He had to be reputable sometime, so nows as good a time as any.)

I'm also pleased that the photos from the last party in Australia came out so well although I don't think they'll be entering the public domain with any great speed.

Ah, a final note about that game I play. It appears that some people are thinking that contemporaries of myself would be good in charge. I think that they've missed a very obvious and very pertinent trick. It appears my thinking is paralelled by the SO. My sibling also reports that the game went very well and that they enjoyed themselves greatly. They appear to be skilled at verbal poker.

I am now pondering the use of a site meter. Am I making an efficient use of my time writing on here? With my desire to avoid having random people I neither like nor wish to know scribbling upon it with ill-formed and unwanted opinion I have rendered it "Friends only".

I think that NZ has much to recommend it and am plotting to make a return trip.

*Thanks Kryten.
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