I love my boyfriend.

Jan 21, 2009 03:57

Sooo. I couldn't find a diary offline. Sooo I made one online! Makes since huh. I just figured since I really don't have people to tell everything to, because I don't really have a bestfriend besides my boyfriend. Soo I was like shit, why not post it away on the internet. Hahah.

Here we go.
I met this guy about like...around June. Fell completely in love with him.. but at first it wasn't like that.  I mean, I liked him...alot. But he seemed like he cared about me more than I cared about him. && I always thought it was supposed to be the other way around. Guess not huh. Anyway though, here recently I got really drunk with a close guy friend of mine. && Shit happenes. I mean, it was SO unintentional it's not even funny. Like, I got taken atvantage of, needless to say we aren't good friends anymore. Anyway though after that....I told my boyfriend about it. He understood, but like anybody would be he was pretty pissed you know. The natural reaction. Buttt for some reason, after I told him that I felt like I was connected to him so much more for some reason. Like I know it dosen't make since, AT ALL. But that's how it is. && I spent like a few days with him at his house, && When I came home it was like...wow, I love this guy like...a lot. && I'm just now realizing it. Crazy huh?

Before when he would call I really wouldn't want to talk to him, now I want to call him! It's crazy I swear. I used to be like if he calls he calls, if not fuck it. Now I'm like, waiting for him to call. I used to talk to him, and after that it was like blahh. Now it's like just thinking about him makes me all happy && bouncy and I love it.  - I love him! So much, probably more than he loves me now.

LESSON LEARNED: Ummm... If he seems like he loves you, more than likely he really does.
Don't chill with your guy friends before your boyfriends, guy friends will take atvantage of you - your boyfriend won't.
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