Week 1 - Jazz & Prowl’s cubby
My Week 1 entry for the Project 52 Photography Challenge
http://news.deviantart.com/article/105083/ over in communityrelations on Deviant Art
communityrelations.deviantart.com/. The two basic ideas of the project are 1) Take a photo a week and post it every Tuesday for a year. I’m not sure Tuesdays are the best day to post for me really, but one a week I hope to be able to pull off. And 2) Pick a theme for the entire contest. I honestly don’t expect any of my pictures to be much of a wow, but I hope to have fun with them and the project.
So how'd I pick a subject? I just leaned back in my chair and stared at my desk. And there were Transformers Robot Heroes Jazz and Prowl. They live in a cubby on my desk directly above my computer and were just screaming (well Jazz was anyway) to be allowed out to explore the world beyond my home office. And I thought sure why not?
Well I can tell you why I should have said no. These guys are tiny, and I have already figured out I am going to regret choosing subjects who are so tiny. But I am also to stubborn to change my choice before posting the first picture. So I am just going to have to cowgirl up and deal.
The Main Project 52 Gallery can be found here:
communityrelations.deviantart.com/gallery/ Week number 2:
Jazz and Prowl Show Some Skill