Personal Notes for HOFAH

Apr 20, 2009 21:26

Personal Resource notes for HOFAH story.  No story here.

Posted for backup storage here because now I don't want to loose them.

HOFAH Resources

**Transformers Universe Guide by Marvel Comics 1987

More than Meets The Eye Guidebook by Dreamwave 2004


Touch can be one of the best ways to stimulate your baby. It provides contact, reassurance and relaxation. The important sense of touch can be stimulated through play and close contact.

Sensory stimulation refers to the impact the environment has on our minds and bodies as we receive information through our sensory organs and our brains interpret this input.

Sensory stimulation and interaction with the environment is critical to maintain the highest
level of awareness and connectedness with others.


Sensory stimulation is intended to promote awakening and enhance the rehabilitative potential of brain-injured patients in a coma or vegetative state.

Sensory stimulation programs for coma patients act by increasing environmental stimulation to the part of the brain that controls levels of consciousness, attention and concentration.

The goal of sensory stimulation programs (also known as coma stimulation sessions, coma arousal therapy, multisensory stimulation programs and coma care) is to stimulate the patient to awaken him or her from a state of unresponsiveness (coma).

BACKGROUND: For many years, and especially since Waynbaum and Wallon, psychology and psychopathology have dealt with cognitive perception, but have had little to do with the affective qualities of perception. Our aim was to study the influence of the sensory environment on people with autism. METHOD: Several experiments were carried out using different forms of tactile stimulation (passive and active subjects). RESULTS: Our data showed specific responses in children with autism and intellectual disability. These children displayed a strong (positive) valence to the stimulation provided. CONCLUSION: They were very attracted to the stimulation and were excited by it.

Tactile stimulation is vital for babies and aids development.

Sensory experiences include touch, movement, body awareness, sight, sound and the pull of gravity. The process of the brain organizing and interpreting this information is called sensory integration. Sensory integration provides a crucial foundation for later, more complex learning and behavior.

For most children, sensory integration develops in the course of ordinary childhood activities. Motor planning ability is a natural outcome of the process, as is the ability to adapt to incoming sensations. But for some children, sensory integration does not develop as efficiently as it should. When the process is disordered, a number of problems in learning, development, or behavior may become evident. stimulation,

n a type of massage therapy, referring to either a tickle stimulus or a deeper pressure body massage and passive flexion/extension of the limbs.

"Awareness has two components: awakening, on the one hand, and awareness of the environment (the external world) of self (the internal world), on the other.


Sensory stimulation is intended to promote awakening and enhance the rehabilitative potential of brain-injured patients in a coma or vegetative state.

Sensory stimulation programs for coma patients act by increasing environmental stimulation to the part of the brain that controls levels of consciousness, attention and concentration.

The goal of sensory stimulation programs (also known as coma stimulation sessions, coma arousal therapy, multisensory stimulation programs and coma care) is to stimulate the patient to awaken him or her from a state of unresponsiveness (coma).

fan fiction notes, transformers

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