Originally posted to my blog. The past month has been busy. Luckily I landed a temp assignment and then a part time job at a nearby cafe, which meant being able to relax a bit and even attend my current favorite convention;
Gallifrey One.
But before Gally there was a big event for Bay Area fandom;
GarciaGate, the wedding of Chris Garcia and Vanessa Applegate. I worked early that morning at the Moscone Center, but JP was kind enough to offer me a ride. This meant we had a couple of hours to kill so we got breakfast at
Heidi's Pies in San Mateo and pick up some pies for the potluck. As often happens at these sorts of events it felt a bit like a small convention, with lots of my favorite folks in attendance. It was also pretty cool that it took place at the
Computer History Museum.
As for Gally, the convention had sold out quickly but my roommate Palle had kindly picked me up a membership in hopes I'd be in the area and able to attend. If all goes well next year I plan to join the Brit crowd and fly out with John.
I missed the last couple of years so it was really nice to be back and as usual it was a great convention, despite some annoyances before the start. Both the Barrowman and the Gorman/Myles panels were hilarious, there was a very amusing improv troupe called
Doctor Who Live who did a Friday night show, and of course the always great Saturday also on Friday night party which was Orient Express themed this year. The costumes and conversations were all wonderful and I even got a chance to record a little with Jade for the podcast. I can't wait until next year.
Now that I'm recovered from that it's time to look forward to
FogCon, which also happens to fall on my birthday weekend. It's a smaller literary convention in the tradition of WisCon and I've enjoyed it the years I have been. I probably won't stay over but it's easily BARTable so that's not a huge deal. Kim Stanley Robinson and Cat Valente are the GOHs.
After that there is
Hubba Hubba Space Station 1966 and then a
Doctor Who themed art show in the Mission. March is good month for Bay Area nerdom.