1> Sleep is going well…not as well as I had hoped, but better than it was. I’m able to get up earlier, stay awake better (although not flawlessly). Random points out quite correctly that the CPAP is not a cure-all for the sleep problems I have, but it’s better than, say, NOT having it.
2> Pendant is interesting. Jeffrey is no doubt a little miffed that I’m already behind on my first episode, but there have been some ameliorating factors, to wit:
3> Austin just spent the weekend barfing his guts out. We took him to the hospital yesterday at 5PM, he got home at 11PM, after having fluids applied through an IV. This helped immensely, although he’s still not quite eating at full bore yet.
4> Work is busy as hell. I think my boss is trying to train me to his way of thinking. I’m not sure I want to live in that headspace, it’s very focused on a certain skillset I’m not sure I’m interested in having. But were I to move on to another larger company (say, one that starts with “Goo”) in a QA position, what I’m learning would be valuable.
5> My in-laws were in over Easter weekend, which of course is when both kids had this stomach thing (although Serena didn’t have it nearly as bad as Austin). So, while la femme took Austin to the hospital, I had to cook Easter dinner and pretend to be nice to the in-laws while we ate without those two. Blech.
6> In the middle of the year 2000, I acquired a TiVo in a contest where you had to write an essay and if you were one of ten people picked per day, you got a free TiVo. Of course, you had to pay for the service, but the $250 buy-in was taken care of. Well, that TiVo is STILL KICKING. I had to call tech support to address a channel line-up issue tonight, and the guy was all ‘Holy crap, series 1? Dude, have you seen the new shit?’ (he didn’t use those words, but I could tell). I say that and I could be lying, as it’s failing to do a necessary task right now as part of the tech support incident I just mentioned. (ah, while I was typing this, it finished).
7> I have a lot of creative ideas kicking around in my head, none of which will probably come to fruition. There’s a Seminar short for Pendant, there’s a Mini-Series for Pendant, there’s a web game idea which would require months to years of programming to get to the level of complexity I desire, there’s a vague idea for a book (which will absolutely never happen), there’s a vague idea for an online D&D game in the Ptolus universe. I could go on, but I won’t.
8> Austin’s doing Boy Scouts and actually being motivated to do it. I still object strongly to a lot of their philosophy (for instance, the boy Must Practice Religion, and No Gays Allowed). But if he sticks with it through to Eagle Scout, it will no doubt be good for him.
9> The pets are doing pet-ly things. The cat seems to be interested in jumping like 3 feet in the air to get at reflections from the plant light, and the dog is intent upon wreaking puppylike havoc wherever he can.
10> La femme is the same as always. She’s trying out her newest hobby, cooking, which has led to some…interesting meals. She doesn’t start small. Her biggest dish so far in terms of complexity is probably beef bulgoki, a Korean dish like a burrito made in a lettuce leaf instead of a tortilla.
Anyway, that’s where it’s at right now.
Originally posted at
Phoenix Rising.