Nov 06, 2002 11:51
You're all dead wrong...
Let's review winners and losers in the current scheme of things:
George W. Bush
John Kerry - much clearer as Dem. Presidential Candidate
Hilary Clinton - same as Kerry
Tom Daschele - chances of running as Dem. Pres. Candidate significantly diminished
Dick Gephart - same as Daschele
The Democratic Party
Like it or not this election was a referendum on Bush's presidency and Bush's policies. And, low an behold, it turns out that the following is true: The Majority agrees with Bush that something must be done about Iraq. The Majority understands that the Economic downturn is not due to any Bush policies and his policies have indeed mitigated it if anything. The Majority understands that some personal freedoms must be sacrificed to keep this country defended from terrorists. And, no matter what way the media tries to twist it and hide it and not talk about it, whether YOU like him or not, Bush's approval rating is above 70% nationwide AND IT IS FOR REAL!
As for the Election in 2 years, the Democrats will not retake power in the Presidency or in Congress. The policies that the GOP will push are the very Policies which the Majority supports due to the way they all just voted. Whether YOU like them or not is not the point, the Majority of Americans WANT them; they just voted for them in an election where it was unbelievably clear exactly what they were voting for. The majority will not be "pissed off" in two years time (even though YOU are likely to be). In 2 years time you will see the following: With the Economy doing better than it currently is, and succesful result in Iraq, Bush will be re-elected President and the GOP will hold (or even gain) their majority in both houses of Congress...
Finally, do not believe everything the liberally biased media tells you: Not only do the majority of Americans support English immersion; but the majority of Parent's of immigrant children support English immersion as well - they understand that this is the best way to give their children an economic upward mobility to acheive success in this country. To think a small intelegistia of intellectual professors at mostly "socialist" universities know better is not viable - it's additudes such as this from which all totalitarian/socialist regimes and ideas spring.
Further, so much for all the media blah blah blah bullshit about a close race and a chance for the Dems to hold the Senate and take the House - and that Bush's popularity wasn't "real" - turns out not only did the GOP increase their seats in the House, but gained control in the Senate - This is HISTORIC - usually a sitting President's party gets killed in a mid-term election - it is the first time in 100 years that a GOP sitting President has GAINED seats in both houses of Congress in a mid-term election (last to do so was T. Roosevelt).
This morning was a kid on Christmas Morning