Sep 08, 2004 07:14
Media is of course overplaying the 1,000 death toll mark. If you were that concerned oh liberal media, why not start blathering loudly at 900, or 700, or 500? The death toll is extremely low by comparison to any other major occupation based land force based conflict (meaning the first Gulf War doesn't count, neither do Granada, the Faulklans, etc...).
No matter how much I might agree or disagree with Mr. Bush (and I disagree more with more than most might percieve), I will not be able to tolerate it if Kerry gets elected. Even though I didn't "like" Clinton, I could easily take him over Kerry - at least he was smart enough not to totally screw it up (debate over slashed intelligence/military budgets and not going after Bin Laden aside). I would rather take Bush as is than suffer through a President who, on the toughest decision a President has to make (War), has changed is mind, openly and publicly, by my count at least SIX TIMES. Think the world and country are confused and upset at American Foreign Policy now? What if Kerry gets in - good lord, we'll have a new foriegn policy every month.... something this country and this world cannot afford right now, whether you're in agreement or not with the war in Iraq, that should be apparent. It should also be apparent that even if the strategy on the ground isn't perfect (or what I would want it to be), the last thing we can do is leave (or change our minds about leaving every 15 minutes)...