Now I'm Depressed...

Feb 17, 2006 23:45

Yesterday was Cmdr LaForge's 41st birthday party. It was a wonderful party - we held it on the holodeck, in a recreation of Pacifica, overlooking the Western Sea. About thirty of Geordi's closest friends were there, including of course the main bridge crew, myself, Beverly, Reg, Guinan, and quite a lot of the engineering staff. The cake was a delicious red velvet confection with buttercream frosting, and I'm almost ashamed to admit that I had two large pieces of it.

But that's not what has gotten me down.

The fact of the matter is, that next month will be my 40th birthday, and even though I know it's just a number... well... I'm just not sure I'm ready for it. By Betazoid customs, once I'm in my 40's I'll officially be considered a "mature" woman.

My mother will faint when she realizes that her "Little One" is a mature woman...


I've got to see her face when I break the news to her.

friends, personal

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