Jan 01, 2011 22:51
Over the many years of my life I have received many gifts, but the most important ones have been those not of a material nature. Jim's friendship, our bond, the friendship with Doctor McCoy and the rest of the Enterprise crew with whom I served for many years chief among those treasured, precious gifts. I had little more than the robes on my back when I arrived on Romulus and living underground does not offer the chance to acquire much, but I treasure the small gifts the children of Romulan dissidents bring me. I know that when the times come for me to leave I most likely will not be able to take these things with me, but here again, their friendships are the gifts I will treasure and carry away.
Recently I was given a gift that, forgive me Jim, is almost important to me the treasured memories of our life together. Captain Picard arrived, searching for me and bearing the news that Sarek had succumbed to the effects of Bendii Syndrome. At the end of Picard's undercover mission, he offered me the chance to share a meld, to briefly feel the essence of my father that lived in his mind after they had shared a prolonged meld during one of my father's last diplomatic mission. My father and I had never taken the opportunity to share our minds. The gift Picard offered was one I never thought I would receive and it made it all the more precious.
Muse: Spock
Fandom: TOS, TNG
Word count: 250