After seeing Doom tonight, I went and looked up The Rock on
IMDB and woah-damn! He's making about 5 movies at once with another couple announced. And one of the announced ones was
Johnny Bravo! omgwtfbbq awesome! He's so perfect for JB, except for the whole being black thing.
Hmm, I think I'm in trouble. On the way home, I was going around this really sharp corner and all this fluid leaked out onto my foot, and I have no idea what it was. Either the car was really happy to see me or I've got some kind of leak, like brake fluid or whatever. So, if you don't hear from me for a few days I'm probably dead from a car crash. Nobody gets my stuff though, it's to be buried with me so I can use it beyond the grave. I'd imagine it'd be pretty boring to be dead, I'll need stuff to do and play with.