(no subject)

Apr 02, 2010 00:43

I love how a Terminix ad ended up on my LJ the second I posted about the bugs.

Nothing too much going on. The Kattish have taken a back seat for a bit due to FFXIII. For some reason, Hope reminds her of me? I don't understand that at all, but whatever. The only thing I see is that we have the same hair color. Ish.

Another thing she's started to associate with me is gangster rap. At least that has a root in one of the Xenosaga Flash Dances on DA. I'm lucky not to be involved in too many of Kat's gangsta rap extravaganzaness. Most of that falls to Hayden, because he's the one who's lost the comrade. I don't know why Hayden hasn't done much talking lately. Mostly because I think he likes hiding behind things these days while Kat's working on something with him. I'll be happy to field any questions anyone has for him, tho.

I think there was something else, too. Ah, yes, Owl City. I like them a lot. Kat needs less stampy techno that folks can't identify with in her life. The only bad thing about Owl City is that their songs all kind of sound the same to us.

And oh yeah, another thing. Kat's boilovers have ceased a bit, but the thought meandered into her head the other day, after encountering someone else who made her mad that she wasn't prepared to see again, that she might have a chance to encounter one of the people who made her mad years ago. She was worrying that, if given the chance, would she run me on autopilot talking to her, and how bad would it be? Neither of us liked the thought, but that's what happens when Kat gets mad. I talk. And that's not something either of us like. Especially since her thoughts on _____ and my thoughts on my "wife" are stapled together with a billion staples and sustained by each other's close proximity. Even if a staple-remover were used, previous evidence of holes in the paper would denote some connection, still. It's been around for so long. And neither of us know what we would want out of such a conversation.
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