I was just trying to be helpful!!!!

Apr 01, 2005 22:16

Well, this evening I went with Miss Yun to visit Luca in jail. I've been doing much thinking since I last saw him, and I felt guilty about being so rash to him when I first met him, so I thought an apology was appropriate. But he really does need to learn to control his anger!!

I brought him a ham sandwich as well a sort of peace offering?, but he didn't eat it I don't blame him though. Things seemed to be going well, but...well...

He eventually worked his way out of the cage and...erm...

I need to see Sir Tuta now ><

Well, with Miss Yun around we shouldn't have too much trouble with him, right?

"Visit with Luca."

Jet Enduro WA = Luca
dollssoulkirie = Yun
LAC768 = Cecile

dollssoulkirie: Yun: *walking with Cecile* I really appreciate it that you're coming with me, Cecile.

LAC768: Cecile: Well, I kind of invited myself...
LAC768: Cecile: And the castle's in so much turmoil right now!! I can't be getting off the wrong foot with people~!

dollssoulkirie: Yun: But still.. thank you. *arrives at Luca's cell* Lu~ca, I've come to visit again. I'm sorry it took so long.

LAC768: Cecile: *feeble wave*

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: *twiddles his thumbs*

LAC768: Cecile: I brought you a sandwich.
LAC768: Cecile: It's ham.
LAC768: Cecile: Because I know you really like pigs.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Are you mocking me? How dare you.

LAC768: Cecile: No!! I made it myself!!
LAC768: Cecile: Well, Miss Yun helped...a little.
LAC768: Cecile: Okay, she helped a lot.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: So you're trying to poison me then, aren't you?

LAC768: Cecile: No!!! Why would we poison you??

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Luca... she wouldn't do such a thing.
dollssoulkirie: Yun: We came to visit you, to see how you are doing.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Don't lie to me... you've had it out for me ever since day one.
Jet EnduroWA: Luca: How can I trust her, Yun?

LAC768: Cecile: If you must know, I came to apologize!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Why is she even HERE?

LAC768: Cecile: I felt guilty...you were new and I was very rash.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Apologize? Hmph. So you're trying to save yourself, aren't you?

LAC768: Cecile: There's nothing here for me to save--I can hold my own against you any time.
LAC768: Cecile: but there's turmoil in the castle, and I can't afford to make useless enemies.
LAC768: Cecile: Besides, Yun sees good in you, and she's very right about those things ^^

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Are you saying I'm useless? Fool, if I wasn't locked up in jail...

LAC768: Cecile: *groans* What I'm saying is that I was wrong to be so quick to judge you and I wanted to say I was sorry.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: After all that's happened you think you can fix it all by saying sorry?

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Luca, please... she doesn't believe that people should fight amongst themselves. Definitely after they first arrive or return.

LAC768: Cecile: *nod*

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Why do you defend such a useless woman?

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Because, this "useless woman" is my friend. One of the few that I do have here at the castle.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: "friend"? HAHAAHAHAHAAHA. Why make friends with anyone at this castle?

LAC768: Cecile: Because!
LAC768: Cecile: You need friends!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: You don't need friends. You need power.

LAC768: Cecile: No...I think you have that backwards.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: *nods* I agree with Cecile on that.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: So you too are going against me then, Yun?

dollssoulkirie: Yun: I'm not choosing sides, Luca. I never have. I just believe that reliance on power isn't what people should choose.
dollssoulkirie: Yun: People can't always depend on their strength to go through life, they also have to rely on others to aid them with their goals.
dollssoulkirie: Yun: But not just as simple tools..

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I don't need friends to achieve my goals... I have power, and with power came followers. Seed and Culgan are an example of that.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Even with a possible fear of betrayal?
dollssoulkirie: Yun: Not all followers believe in the same ideals and goals as their leaders.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: They would never betray me.

LAC768: Cecile: If you don't treat your friends like friends, how can you think that?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I'll be blunt... I don't care if you're sorry or not, i'm not going to forget, Cecile. You'd better hope you're as good of a guard as Thomas put you up to be.

LAC768: Cecile: I don't ask you to forget, but if you want to live here, it's important for us to understand each other.
LAC768: Cecile: Oh, and...um....
LAC768: Cecile: ....

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Oh? What's the matter, woman? Are you afraid?

LAC768: Cecile: Actually....
LAC768: Cecile: I was wondering if I could have the sandwhich back if you weren't going to eat it.
LAC768: Cecile: I'm hungry.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: ....*throws the sandwhich on the floor*

LAC768: Cecile: Oh, well, that was a waste.
LAC768: Cecile: It was a perfectly good sandwich.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I'm going to kill you. When I get out of here.... i'm going to KILL you!

LAC768: Cecile: Just you try!!! I won't let anything come between me and the safety of the castle!!!
LAC768: Cecile: But....*sadly looks at the sandwich*
LAC768: Cecile: Maybe next time I can get you a drink instead.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: HAHAHAHAAHAHA! You mock me, you insult my way of life...

LAC768: Cecile: You don't need water?? What do you live on?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: BLOOD

LAC768: Cecile: ...is that healthy?? No wonder you look so peaky...
LAC768: Cecile: Look, Sir Luca, I came down here to speak civilly with you, and it doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: If you want to be civilized, why don't you enter my cell?

LAC768: Cecile: Because, 1) we don't have a key, 2) I have a sneaking suspicion you haven't cleaned it out, and 3) I'd have to be invited, silly!
LAC768: Cecile: Why do you hate me so much?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: If you really want to know that, again, why don't you come in my cell and find out?
Jet EnduroWA: Luca: You're a guard, can't you get a key somewhere?

LAC768: Cecile: No, only Master Thomas has jurisdiction over the cell keys.
LAC768: Cecile: And he's not...well...right now.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: "Master" Thomas. HAHAHAHAHAA.
Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I still don't see why anyone looks up to that pig as master of this castle. So is he sick?

LAC768: Cecile: Um...
LAC768: Cecile: Maybe...

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: *laughs* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA

LAC768: Cecile: I'm glad someone's in good spirits.
LAC768: Cecile: *exhasperated sigh* Certainly, you must get a little lonely, without friends. Why do you do this to yourself?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Why are you so interested?

LAC768: Cecile: Because I feel sorry for you.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: You shouldn't feel sorry for me.

LAC768: Cecile: Well, regardless, I do.
LAC768: Cecile: And I'm sorry that you don't understand.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: You'd better stop feeling sorry for me right now, woman.
Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I don't need your pity.

LAC768: Cecile: Fine, but that doesn't change the fact that I came down here to see you.
LAC768: Cecile: And Miss Yun's been so nice to you too!!
LAC768: Cecile: *sulks* you could have at least eaten the sandwich.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: WHY do you want to see me? What's so special about me?
Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I didn't ask for comapny

LAC768: Cecile: Haven't we gone over this already??

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Because people worry... Well, at least I know I do, Luca.
dollssoulkirie: Yun: >.> And don't go through that talk again... I heard it at my last visit... the day after visiting Albert.

LAC768: Cecile: I think you just need more self-confidence!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: whether or not you two are telling the truth... I'm going to going to kill you, Cecile.

LAC768: Cecile: *grin* You can try. But I'll make you a good person yet!!
LAC768: Cecile: I know you have it in you!!
LAC768: Cecile: And besides, it's my duty to make sure that everyone living here is content.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Luca... You won't do such a thing to Cecile... or else... *thinks*

LAC768: Cecile: Don't worry--he'd never be able to!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Or else what..? Cecile's going to die.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: *frowns* I-I'm not sure yet... but I don't want to see one of my best friends' injuried...

LAC768: Cecile: *grin* I'm the commander of the guards!!! I'll be fine!!
LAC768: Cecile: (it's everyone else I worry for)

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: .....

LAC768: Cecile: On a separate note...
LAC768: Cecile: Miss Yun is planning on assembling a council..
LAC768: Cecile: If she can get approval, you'll be released.
LAC768: Cecile: With certain rules to follow, of course.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I will follow NOBODY'S rules.
Jet EnduroWA: Luca: When I get out of here.. you're all going to pay. ALL OF YOU!
Jet EnduroWA: Luca: ...with the exception of a few people, of course.

LAC768: Cecile: That is, if you do get out.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: When I get out.

LAC768: Cecile: It's so difficult to talk with you. *sigh*

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Then come in here and perhaps you'll find it easier

LAC768: Cecile: I would!! But I don't have the keys!!
LAC768: Cecile: *nods vigorously*

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Neither of us have the keys, Luca... I dropped them somewhere on my last visit.

LAC768: Cecile: Um...so that means they're sitting arounds somewhere? *glance*
LAC768: Cecile: *cleans up sandwich remains*
LAC768: Cecile: You don't want bugs in your cell!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: *sits down in his cell, looking at the floor*

LAC768: Cecile: To tell the truth...
LAC768: Cecile: ...

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: What?

LAC768: Cecile: ...
LAC768: Cecile: I was going to make you a pie.
LAC768: Cecile: But I messed up last time.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Ah, don't say that, Cecile... once you practice a bit more with cooking, you won't have to worry about anything.

LAC768: Cecile: I don't trust myself with pie. *remembers Thomas and the mystery pie*
LAC768: Cecile: And then there was the curry...*;_;*

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: *notices something through the corner of his eyes*

LAC768: Cecile: *finishes sweeping up the sandwich* Maybe I can feed it to Koroku.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: That's true... Koroku does like some of the sandwiches and meals we make... even if they're for him or not.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: What's this... *he looks under the bench and notices a key*

LAC768: Cecile: ? Did I miss some sandwich?

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Hmm?
dollssoulkirie: Yun: *looks into the cell* Huh? What's that, Luca?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: NOTHING. Go back to discussing whatever it is you two were talking about.

LAC768: Cecile: ? Okay...anyways, I thought that maybe we could take Koroku and Shiro out for a walk later, Miss Yun.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: That's a good idea, Cecile. How about tomorrow?
dollssoulkirie: Yun: Or later on tonight?

LAC768: Cecile: Lady Sanae expressed an interest, so I'll ask her about it.
LAC768: Cecile: She seems to be very overworked with her schedule.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Well, we'll talk to Sanae when we're finished here... or at least when either one of us sees her.

LAC768: Cecile: Okay! She says she likes dogs too!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I'm soooo lonely

dollssoulkirie: Yun: That's great. Maybe we can gather the rest of the Budehuc dogs too...they might have fun as well.

LAC768: Cecile: !! That'd be great!! I'm worried about Kinnison, so I want to make sure I'm taking good care of Shiro.
LAC768: Cecile: *glance* If you'd like, I can always come back with a new sandwich later, Luca.
LAC768: Cecile: But if you don't like ham, maybe I can try for turkey.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Since Thomas isn't feeling all too well... I've
taken over the festival, so I'm going to be busy. ;_; I didn't really want to, but oh well. *sighes*

LAC768: Cecile: You do so well with those things, though! It's a shame Luca won't get to see the fireworks *another glance*

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Thank you, Cecile, though, I haven't really been able to figure out another castle event. So, I've been trying to keep myself busy with helping Mamie.

LAC768: Cecile: That's okay ^^

dollssoulkirie: Yun: I'm glad that Hortez agreed to the fireworks display... I can't wait to see it! Didn't he say that there might be a test tonight?

LAC768: Cecile: I haven't heard--I've been very busy lately, so I'm afraid I'm not completely updated.
LAC768: Cecile: I do hope they're orange though!

dollssoulkirie: Yun: I hope they're beautiful.. I love fireworks. Like we had at the last festival.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: *stands up and walks towards the cell door* Would this key fit...? I wonder... heheheh.

LAC768: Cecile: I need to clean my armor though--being outside all the time doesn't help it, and I want it to be shiny for the festival!

dollssoulkirie: Yun: That'll be cute, Cecile! Are you planning on joining any of the events?

LAC768: Cecile: Yup!! I signed up for the capture the flag,
LAC768: Cecile: Um...and the dog races!!
LAC768: Cecile: But I can't do hand-to-hand combat, so I'll watch Emily compete.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: *places the key in the lock, surprised that it fits. He slowly unlocks it, but keeps the door shut for now* Oh Cecile... could you come here for a minute?

LAC768: Cecile: ? *blink*
LAC768: Cecile: Hey!! A key!!
LAC768: Cecile: ...
LAC768: Cecile: ...
LAC768: Cecile: Hey, a key!!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: W-wha...you... weren't supposed to see that.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: By the spirits? It's been here the whole time? *blink, blink*

LAC768: Cecile: Well, it's in the lock. Good job!!
LAC768: Cecile: I was afraid it was lost forever!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Could you come closer? I want to ask you something

dollssoulkirie: Yun: *looks at Luca* Huh? What do you mean by that, Luca?

LAC768: Cecile: Is it a secret?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: It's a secret.

LAC768: Cecile: From Miss Yun???

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: It's a secret between you and I. Now get over here!

LAC768: Cecile: But....we don't have any secrets!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Oh yes we do!

LAC768: Cecile: ?
LAC768: Cecile: ....

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I can't tell you unless you're over here.

LAC768: Cecile: *shrug* Well, I guess so. But give me a moment to throw out the sandwich scraps.
LAC768: Cecile: I have nowhere to put them.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Hand them to Yun.

LAC768: Cecile: But Miss Yun can't hold icky sandwich scraps!
LAC768: Cecile: They've been on the ground!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: ...hurry up, then

dollssoulkirie: Yun: *blink, blink*

LAC768: Cecile: Okay~! *skips off to find a wastebarrel*
LAC768: Cecile: *comes back* I couldn't find one, so I fed them to Koroku.
LAC768 : Cecile: I hope you've learned your lesson about wasting food!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Will you come over here now?

LAC768: Cecile: Are you sorry about the sandwich?? *stare*

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Yes, I'm sorry about the sandwich.

LAC768: Cecile: *claps* Great!! In that case, I'll make you a new one next time I visit with Miss Yun!!

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Which I'm not sure when that would be... Since I have to worry about the festival.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I'm waiting for you to come here, Cecile.

LAC768: Cecile: Oh, right!! Sorry!
LAC768: Cecile: But are you sure it's okay to tell secrets right in front of Miss Yun??

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Are you going to come here or not?

LAC768: Cecile: Okay, okay. *grumble* But you shouldn't be hurting Miss Yun's feelings.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: It'll be fine. Trust me.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: ... It's okay, Cecile. Don't worry about me.
dollssoulkirie: Yun: People can sometimes hide things from me. I don't mind, really.

LAC768: Cecile: ¬_¬ Somehow that doesn't reasure me. Is this about Master Thomas??
*walks over to the cell*

dollssoulkirie: Yun: ... I wouldn't know.. Luca doesn't tell me much of anything. *glance*

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Get a little closer, woman...

LAC768: Cecile: *walks over* What's the secret???
LAC768: Cecile: Don't tell me...
LAC768: Cecile: YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO HAM, aren't you??!
LAC768: Cecile: Oops, that was a bit loud.
LAC768: Cecile: Don't worry, you're secret's safe with me!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Oh, that's not what I wanted to tell you...

LAC768: Cecile: Oh.
LAC768: Cecile: Well?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: What I wanted to tell you was... *slams open the cell door, after already unlocking it previously, and tackling Cecile to the ground* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

LAC768: Cecile: Hey!! *ouch* Watch it!!
LAC768: Cecile: Is this about the ham???

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: 'DIE PIG!!!!" *punches*

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Luca! *runs over to them, trying to stop Luca* Stop, Luca!

LAC768: Cecile: Ouch!! *whacks Luca with the spikey helmut of DOOM*


LAC768: Cecile: *ouchouchouch* *shields face* Cut it out!!

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Luca! Stop it! *continues*

LAC768: Cecile: *breaks free* What was that for???
LAC768: Cecile: And when was I a "pig"?!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I didn't say you could break free, woman! *jumps
back at her*

LAC768: Cecile: *dodge* So it was about the ham!!
LAC768: Cecile: *whackwhackwhack* Is this how you treat people who come to speak with you???

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Stop getting away! Stay still so I can PUNCH YOU TO DEATH!

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Luca, calm down! Please! *knows that he'll never listen*

LAC768: Cecile: O//O *realization* You wouldn't!!! *holds up shield*
LAC768: Cecile: That's the last time I ever make you a sandwich!!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Stay out of this, Yun! She had this coming... captain of the guards, hmph!

LAC768: Cecile: That's my job!!
LAC768: Cecile: Master Thomas assigned it to me!!!
LAC768: Cecile: And I need to make sure everyone here is safe. So do us a favor and try to be nice!!!

dollssoulkirie: Yun: No, stop it! I won't stand here and let you do such a thing, Luca. *still tries to stop Luca*

LAC768: Cecile: Miss Yun, how do you tolerate this? Such behavior!! *to Luca* You need to seriously think about reform!!

dollssoulkirie: Yun: *stops* ... *looks at Cecile and frowns* .... I-I'm not sure.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: *pushes Yun back* I mean it!!! Stay out of this!!! *punches Cecile*

LAC768: Cecile: ! *ouchagain*

dollssoulkirie: Yun: *falls on her butt* Luca!

LAC768: Cecile: Stop this!! *holds up shield again* We need to talk civilly, not like this!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: 'Civilly'? My way of talking is KILLING YOU
Jet EnduroWA: Luca: NOW HOLD STILL!!!

LAC768: Cecile: Well, that's certainly uneffective.
LAC768: Cecile: If you kill me, what will happen to the castle?
LAC768: Cecile: What will happen to Miss Yun?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I can defend her, who the hell cares about this filthy place?

LAC768: Cecile: There are over 100 people here.
LAC768: Cecile: Do you think they'll take my death lightly?
LAC768: Cecile: And if they do (and I hope not--since I have no plans for dying) you'll still have to live with the guilt.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I've killed thousands of people and I feel no guilt at all. What makes you think you would make any difference?

LAC768: Cecile: Well, for starters, Yun's here. And she'd see it.
LAC768: Cecile: So how do you think that would make her feel about you?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Please die.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: No, please stop, Luca! If you hurt her, I'd hate you forever.

LAC768: Cecile: He said 'please' though.
LAC768: Cecile: That's a plus!!
LAC768: Cecile: You're learning!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Yun... would you really hate me?

dollssoulkirie: Yun: ... *looks at the floor* Yes, I would.

LAC768: Cecile: *doesn't know what to say*

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: ...I still have to kill Cecile

LAC768: Cecile: Why???
Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Because that's what I do.

LAC768: Cecile: Why are you so set on killing me??
LAC768: Cecile: Why not someone like Yuber else?

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: It's not just you.

LAC768: Cecile: Well, it certainly seems that way.
LAC768: Cecile: Besides, if you kill everyone, you'll be all alone.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Must you question everything I do?

LAC768: Cecile: Well, I think I have a right to know why I'm going to die--which I'm NOT, by the way.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: What makes you so sure of that?

LAC768: Cecile: Because I'm not!
LAC768: Cecile: Although, technically, we all die eventually, but I'm not planning on going anytime soon.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: What if I kill your precious Thomas instead?

LAC768: Cecile: O______O You WOULDN'T *icy glare*

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I would.

LAC768: Cecile: That's a direct violation of...of.....
LAC768: Cecile: Castle rules!!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I told you, I don't follow rules.

LAC768: Cecile: But...!!!
LAC768: Cecile: But he's Thomas!!
LAC768: Cecile: And anyways, if you do kill us, I'm sure Sir Clive will avenge us.
LAC768: Cecile: Not to mention everyone else here.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I'd die happy knowing your precious Thomas wouldn't be around anymore.

LAC768: Cecile: But...you wouldn't be able to kill him because I'd protect him!!

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: THEN DIE WITH HIM.

LAC768: Cecile: I give up. I thought you'd like an apology *and a nice sandwich*, but now I see you're no better--no--worse than Yuber.
LAC768: Cecile: Maybe someday you'll change, but I don't think I can help you by myself.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Have you forgotten that Yuber and I used to be partners?

LAC768: Cecile: That's news! *had no idea*

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: Rather - he worked for ME.

LAC768: Cecile: ...
LAC768: Cecile: ...bad news.
LAC768: Cecile: But he wasn't your friend.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: I don't want friends.

LAC768: Cecile: I think you just are angry because you don't have friends.

Jet EnduroWA: Luca: You don't know when to shut up, do you woman?

LAC768: Cecile: No...that's what people have told me...

dollssoulkirie: Yun: ... They shouldn't though... there's nothing wrong with talking, Cecile.

LAC768: Cecile: ^^ Well, I tend to ramble.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: Me too... like my conversation with Travis about
my life. @.@

LAC768: Cecile: *acting like she isn't in mortal peril* He's nice to talk with. I'm glad I met his cat.

dollssoulkirie: Yun: I can't wait till Travis and I go for that walk that I asked... I can't wait to hear his stories.

((And thus, the amazingly long visit ended abruptly (we all had to leave) But you can bet that's not the end of it ><))

jail, luca, rp log, injuries, infirmary, yun

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