May 19, 2006 14:58
I need to find a new name for that horrible thing that has taken Sir Fred, because I refuse to taint Sir Fred's honorable name. But he was not lying about Luca, whom I had told not to go looking to fight. There was only one other person I have ever seen so seriously injured, and I could not save him then. I... I suppose people say silly things when they are not in their right mind, but I sent Koroku back to get help from some of the stronger NPCs people around the castle to bring him back to the infirmary. It felt like he was gone for almost forever.
I don't know who can help though, for Sir Hugo himself is still injured, Sir Mathiu seems unwell, and I do think Sir Tuta has been rather busy himself dancing around and whatnot. Although his injuries definitely appeared to be by the work of a blade, although with all the blood it was difficult to tell, the air had a horrible smell to it, so I think magic was involved. Perhaps Lady Maxine would know more, as she seems far more knowledgeable about that sort of thing. I will need someone to fill in for Luca while he is in the infirmary, however, but if I cannot find anyone, I can always take Koroku or one of the other welcome basket dogs.
But I am going to be taking some time to help prepare for the festival soon, and I need to help Lady Nina and Lady Nanami with the SSW plans!! I could work on cutting out some orange paper chains while patrolling at the front gates, I'm sure! There are a few people I would like to visit as well, and I am very curious if we are going to be holding a castle meeting soon. I can adjust my schedule to fit with whatever time the meeting would be at, and there are many, many pressing topics that must be addressed.
Sir Hugo, there are several very important things that I must speak with you about, but there one that I cannot put off addressing any longer.
Not only did I lose my other shoe when confronting Sir Fred while he was...mentally incapacitated, but I had also given him a very detailed and extensive map of the castle grounds as a birthday gift, thinking he was in his right mind. Normally, Sir Fred is rather disorientated with directions; not like Sir Hortez, but he still has a relative amount of difficulty finding his way around, and often gets lost in the sublevels for long periods of time.
With his poor knowledge of the castle grounds, the spirit, or whatever has taken him, would have a difficult time as well trying to find his way around, especially if he is relying on Sir Fred's knowledge. However, I am very afraid that I may have provided him with a dangerous tool by giving him that map. I know Sir Fred is no longer in the infirmary, but there has to be some way we can get back the map from him. There are several passages labeled that only a few of the most knowledgeable residents are aware of, and the information in his hands is a dangerous thing.
I suppose there is little chance you managed to confiscate the map from him while he was in the infirmary, but I wanted to tell you before reporting to Master Thomas in case there was some way to reclaim the map before causing a larger problem. Master Thomas has enough to worry about. I cannot make him more worried, and I feel responsible for putting the castle into even more danger than it was in to begin with. What do you suggest I do?
evil spirits,