(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 19:25

TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *pokes Eugene under the table with his foot* Hey, I'm done for the day. Wanna go to the cafe now?
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: y-yeah >///> *pushes himself up over the table* ~~stomach groowwll~
LAC768: Mamie: *at café cleaning a random countertop for the hundreth time*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *laughs* Alright, come on then. *gets up and heads for the door*
TheLunagirl: Watari: *sitting in the back, reading some book in his own language*
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: *follows Lo Hak obediently, slouching*
LAC768: ("Make Out Paradise", Amy? XDD)
Insanely Kawaii: ( XDXD omg )
Insanely Kawaii: ( You ever notice how Kakashi and Watari look alike? >> ))
LAC768: (They DO. o.o)
LAC768: (But I luff it. <3)
Insanely Kawaii: ( :3 )
TheLunagirl: ( XD )
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: Now now, pick up your chin. No need to be frightened. *smiling, his usual self*
TheLunagirl: *needs to invite Kacey cause Eugene needs to meet Lo's hubby*
LAC768: (Aw~ :3)
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: > >; *stands straight -- wishing he had 5 potch for every time some one has told him to stop slouching*
TheLunagirl: XD;
Insanely Kawaii: ( YES orange pants UNITE )
TheLunagirl: ( XD Rock on )
LAC768: (...I kind of wish I could throw Cecile in. X3;; )
Insanely Kawaii: ( go ahead :D! )
LAC768: (Orange pants = <3)
Insanely Kawaii: ( <3 )
JeweledSeraph has entered the room.
LAC768: (Hey! :D)
TheLunagirl: ( Yay Kacey XD )
Insanely Kawaii: ( hiya :O! )
JeweledSeraph: (orange? xDD;; )
LAC768: (Yes. >_>)
JeweledSeraph: (okay)
LAC768: (>_> TheLunagirl: ( Eugene and Jess both have orange pants XD )
LAC768: (<333)
JeweledSeraph: Jess: .... <<;;
LAC768: Cecile: *orange-radar goes off from afar*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *comes into the cafe and spots Jess and beams* Jess! *skips to him and glomps him with a kiss*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *gets the feeling that Cecile's orange-radar is going off* .____.;
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: *following Lo Hak -- pants RADIATING ORAAANNGGEE*
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: D: ...;;; *smiles but feels awkward watching the affection*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *blinks at other orange-panted person* ^^;;;
LAC768: Cecile: *is drawn to the magical orange radiation and skips over in the direction of the café* <3
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: Oh -- h-hello, nice to meet you! *bows clumsily*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: Oh, sorry, my manners. Eugene, this is my husband, Jess. Jess, this is a friend of mine from the war - Eugene.
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *waves* Eh... hi, Eugene. Nice pants.
LAC768: (XDD)
TheLunagirl: ( XD )
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: .____. Thank you, sir. I like yours too.
LAC768: (*dies*)
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *blinks and looks at them and laughs*
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: *rubs behind his neck and laughs nervously*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: Thanks. ^^;
TheLunagirl: Watari: *from the counter* Oh, look, customers. And I was at the good part too...
LAC768: Mamie: >__> Do I dare ask? ....
TheLunagirl: Watari: Do you wanna know? >> *looks at Mamie*
LAC768: Mamie: >////> Prolly not.
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: Well, this is great. I was gonna get Eugene some dinner. Why don't we all eat together?
JeweledSeraph: Jess: Sure.
LAC768: (Pssst!!! Eat something ORANGE, you guys!)
Insanely Kawaii: ( CARROTS )
LAC768: (OMGYES. *_*)
TheLunagirl: ( XD )
Insanely Kawaii: ( XO )
JeweledSeraph: (*giggle*)
Insanely Kawaii: ( omg )
Insanely Kawaii: ( T__T )
Insanely Kawaii: ( I gotta go brb for dinnerrr )
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: I'm in the mood for something hot. Mamie, how about that veggie and beef stew you make?
LAC768: (Okay~ :O)
TheLunagirl: ( nyuuu D: )
Insanely Kawaii: ( XD lemme give Eugene an excuse to leave for a bit )
TheLunagirl: ( Well, we'll hold till you get back ))
Insanely Kawaii: ( oh ok D: are you sure? )
TheLunagirl: ( yeah ^^;; ))
LAC768: (Yup. :D)
Insanely Kawaii: ( alright, brb then! )
TheLunagirl: (( Mamie and Watari can just talk and Lo Hak and Jess can be a couple XD ))
LAC768: (That works. XD )
JeweledSeraph: Jess: We ARE a couple...
LAC768: Mamie: *chops vegetables*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: She means act like one - be snuggly and cute in public and stuff.
LAC768: (Awww, that's MY favorite couple-y-ness...ness...yeah. >>_>)
TheLunagirl: Watari: *goes to get the meat ready*
TheLunagirl: XD;;
LAC768: (I LOSE. x__X)
JeweledSeraph: Jess: Okay then. *pets Lo*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *smiles and purrs*
LAC768: Mamie: o__O *clears her throat and gives them space*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *smiles, always likes hearing Lo purr*
TheLunagirl: Watari: *INGORING*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *leans into Jess, continuing to purr with a smile*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *waves to the other two* ^^;;
LAC768: Mamie: >___> *chopchopCHOPveggies*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *giggles* Sorry, Mamie - we disturbing you?
LAC768: Mamie: No. >> I've seen worse.
JeweledSeraph: Jess: ... *doesn't think he'll ask* <<;;
TheLunagirl: Watari: *will pester later*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *can manage a guess*
LAC768: Cecile: *skips over to the café for a glass of water* :O
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: ^^;; Hi Cecile.
TheLunagirl: Watari: * OH. NO. --;; *
LAC768: Cecile: Hello~~!!!!!!!!!! ^___^
LAC768: (Oh YES.)
JeweledSeraph: Jess: Hey, Cecile.
LAC768: Cecile: *waves frantically, her arm a blur*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *sweatdrops in a good way* ^^;
TheLunagirl: Watari: *God damn, there aren't any trees here
LAC768: Cecile: ;___; That is good, Sir Watari, because the zombies have weapons.
TheLunagirl: Watari: I was the one throwing sticks at you that time.
LAC768: Cecile: Of course you werent!! :O The ZOMBIES were. ;_;
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *is just going to not say anything* ^^;
TheLunagirl: Watari: I just said I was! >
LAC768: Cecile: *gives Watari a reassuring pat and pours herself a glass of water* Do not worry, for I will avenge you and your brains!!
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *is kinda used to this*
TheLunagirl: Watari: I - it - AGH! MAMIE!
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *laughs to himself*
LAC768: Mamie: *knife slips and she nearly cuts her finger* WHAT TH'HELL DO YOU WANT?!?!?
TheLunagirl: Watari: Make her go away, please, or I swear to god I will nail her to floor with knives!
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: ^^;;
LAC768: Mamie: Hey now! >__> You can't jus' do that t'my customers!
LAC768: Cecile: *looking around, trying to figure out who Watari wants to go away*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: Now really... *defensive about Cecile* She's just being.... nice.
TheLunagirl: Watari: Why not? >>
LAC768: Mamie: ....We have witnesses. ¬¬
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: Eh, you have to remember darling, Watari's used to dealing with...um...people with more maturity.
TheLunagirl: Watari: Damn. Can't I just get rid of them too? Sick the lizard on them?
LAC768: Mamie: >_> What good would that do?
LAC768: (Wow, Watari must be desparate if he's looking to use the NPC Lizard. XD)
TheLunagirl: Watari: Wanna find out? LIZARD~!!
JeweledSeraph: Jess: He still shouldn't threaten Cecile like that...
LAC768: NPC Lizard: *lumbers out of the trade shop nearby wearing oversized alligator-skin boots....just because*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: True, but I don't think he'd DO anything.
JeweledSeraph: Jess: He better not. <<;
TheLunagirl: Watari: *points to Jess and Lo Hak* THEY KNOW WHERE THE DUCK IS!
LAC768: Cecile: Threaten who? *blinks*
LAC768: NPC Lizard: *____* DUCK?!?!? <333
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: O___O;;
TheLunagirl: Watari: That's right. They know!
LAC768: NPC Lizard: *stares down at Lo Hak* Where is muh BLOOD BRUTHER??!!?
JeweledSeraph: Jess: .... What the hell?
LAC768: Mamie: >___> *feels guilty, even though it's totally Watari's fault*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *blinks and suddenly slams his foot into the lizard's face* Back off, wierdo.
LAC768: NPC Lizard: >___O
LAC768: NPC Lizard: NO!!! Now Duck will NEVER LOOK AT ME THE SAME WAY AGAIN!!! *sobs emo tears*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *sits in Jess's lap, cringing away from the lizard*
TheLunagirl: Watari: *slaps his forehead in expasperation*
LAC768: NPC Lizard: *runs away like a little girl to sob in the bathroom*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: .... What was that about? O.o;
LAC768: Cecile: *blinks* ..........*stare*
TheLunagirl: Watari: *bangs head against a wall*
LAC768: Mamie: >__> That's comin' outta your paycheck.
TheLunagirl: Watari: What is?
LAC768: Mamie: *points to tiny dent on the wall*
TheLunagirl: Watari: Oh. >>
LAC768: Cecile: *finishes her water and gets another glass* :DDD
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: I have no idea, but he creeped me out. *snuggling into Jess, severley creeped*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *hugs protectively*
LAC768: Mamie: *resumes chopping veggies*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: Mrr. *snuggles back protectively*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: There, there. *pat*
LAC768: (:3~)
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *had deal with creeps on the honeymoon, didn't want to deal with them here*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *remembers those creeps* <<;;
LAC768: (;__; Oh noes!)
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *still proud of the way he dealed with one of said creeps*
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *is too* ^^;
LAC768: Cecile: *drinks water obliviously while her mun learns many things from asterisks*
JeweledSeraph: (*laughs* oh Cecile, you're so adorable :3)
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *should have pulled that move and gotten coinage for it when taking care of creep*
LAC768: (XD; She's not quite sure what she should do.)
JeweledSeraph: Jess: *kisses Lo, annoyed that people would dare hit on his bride*
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *kisses back, happy his husband is annoyed*
LAC768: Cecile: *polishes off a second glass of water and smiles at no one in particular because warm-fuzzies are in the air*
JeweledSeraph: (fuzziesss)
TheLunagirl: Watari:
Insanely Kawaii: ( BACK )
Insanely Kawaii: ( @U@ )
TheLunagirl: ( Yay :D )
Insanely Kawaii: ( sorry I took so long ;__; what did I miss? )
TheLunagirl: ( Nothing much XD )
LAC768: (Nope, just random crap.)
LAC768: (FUZZY random crap.)
TheLunagirl: XD;;
Insanely Kawaii: ( how do I jump in >> )
LAC768: (Eugene can...uh...)
LAC768: Cecile: *glomps Eugene* SIREUGENE!!!! Do you want some water?!?!?
TheLunagirl: Lo Hak: *blinks at the glomppage*
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: ?!?! *omg female contact*
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: o/////o!!??! YES.
Insanely Kawaii: Eugene: *PRIIIIIEEESSSS his eyes away from all female bodies after the magazines ace showed him* x_______x
LAC768: Cecile: ^________^ Okay!!! *bounces away and fills a glass, chattering* I had two already, but the first was the best, and....*continues*
TheLunagirl: *dies*
LAC768: (Oh MAN.)
JeweledSeraph: (Agnes: .... <<;;;; )
LAC768: (>__>;;;;;;; The funny thing is, Cecile really doesn't have much of a figure at all. o_O)
Continue to part two

watari, jess, eugene, group rp log, mamie, lo hak

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