Nov 09, 2005 16:20

You knew it was going to happen sooner or later. @_______@ But...it didn't really happen. Well, kind of. But it was all that squirrel's fault!!! XD

In which Reinbach brings up the topic of having children, it is discovered that Cecile's father was not exactly truthful about the details, THE BIRD IS DEAD, Reinbach tries to explain where babies come from, and the country of womb is so very far away...so very very far away.

Danie Blight: We so need something to RP...
LAC768: .....
LAC768: Hm.
Danie Blight: I miss RPin with you XD
LAC768: Me too. ;__;
LAC768: ...Not with myself, I mean.
Danie Blight: hahah
Danie Blight: lol
Danie Blight: ¬¬
Danie Blight: *hahaha
LAC768: .......
LAC768: >D
LAC768: I'm in the mood to break some brains.
Danie Blight: xDD
Danie Blight: Like who?
Danie Blight: :O
LAC768: Like...uh...
LAC768: I dunno--who's brain is fragile?
Danie Blight: CECILE XD
Danie Blight: lol
LAC768: She's the one BREAKING brains though.
LAC768: Unless..
Danie Blight: xDD
LAC768: Do you think one of your characters could break her brain? >D
Danie Blight: Hmm..
Danie Blight: Reinbach?
LAC768: Heh heh heh
LAC768: Hehehehehehhehehe
Danie Blight: lol
Danie Blight: You ok?
LAC768: XD; Too many cookies.
Danie Blight: lol
LAC768: .....*brain dies*
Danie Blight: xDDD
Danie Blight: Brain failure :O
LAC768: Brain...needs....COOKIES.
Danie Blight: XD

Cecile: ....*eats a cookie*

Reinbach: *appears* Hey :D

Cecile: *quickly finishes the cookie because it is rude to talk with a full mouth* ....Hello! :O

Reinbach: How are you dear?

Cecile: I got into a fight with Landis!!! XO

Reinbach: You did?! How so?

Cecile: He threatened Master Thomas~!!!!!!!!!! >O

Reinbach: Oh my... Was it about you two having children?

Cecile: *blinks* Who is having children?

Reinbach: You dear :D With Master Thomas ^^ Don't you remember what the muns were saying?

Cecile: *blinks again* ......Oh--!! ......Not really. ._.

Reinbach: I shall remind you :D They were talking about you having children with Thomas :D

Cecile: *makes a vague gesture with her hands* ...But what about the trees?

Reinbach: Trees? Oo

Cecile: Why, yes! :O It is like planting trees, my father said. And there was that time where I was looking at the new tree with Master Thomas and he said something similar. *blinkblink*

Reinbach: He may be making hints to it! He may want to have children with you!

Cecile: ...*very much lost* But what does Master Thomas have to do with anything?

Reinbach: You and him will have children :D Together.

Cecile: .///////. But it would be awfully imposing to ask him to help me raise children, and that is not fitting if one is not married.

Reinbach: Then, get married :D
Reinbach: Simple as that.
Reinbach: And you can have children before you get married too.

LAC768: (OH YEAH, Suuuuuure)
Danie Blight: (XDDDDDD Well... sort of XD)

Cecile: *stares in horror* No, you can't!! My father said so!!!

Reinbach: Alright then. Sorry. *know not to tread on thin ice*

Cecile: *folds her arms* Besides, can you imagine how rude it would be to ask Master Thomas to help raise children? That would be terrible! :O

Reinbach: How would it?

Cecile: You oughtn't ask people to help raise children if they are not their own. :O Master Thomas would have to get his own children and raise them.

Reinbach: But my dear! You would have children with him! Make your own :D

Cecile: I don't understand. :/ Everyone gets their own by themselves, silly! :O Didn't your father ever tell you?!

Danie Blight: (This is gonna be a loooong RP...)
LAC768: (*eagerly waiting for someone's brain to break. >D; )

Reinbach: Cecile, dear. You know I love you. But... you make them with another person. A male and a femal? You and Thomas?

Cecile: *turns red and shakes her head* No, you don't. Father said everyone gets their own tree to plant, and that's where they come from.

Reinbach: Oo It has nothing to do with tress, Cecile darling.

Cecile: Of course it does!! Trees are the most important part!! You see, after you get married you have to plant a tree! :O

Reinbach: Fair enough, you get married, plant a tree, then make lots of little Thomas' and Ceciles :D

Cecile: Nononono, Master Thomas has nothing to do with it!!! :O Having babies and getting married are very different!!! ...And I never said I was marrying Th--*turns red*

Reinbach: My dear *pat* after you get married, you have children ^^

Cecile: Yes, because trees don't grow before you get married. Although, Father said that sometimes the funny bird might help. :O

Reinbach: ... *sighs* Dear dear dear...

Cecile: *tilts her head* ...Your father didn't tell you much at all, did he?

Reinbach: Cecile. You and master Thomas make children together.
Reinbach: Once you are married.

Cecile: But what about the tree?
....*pauses and stares in horror*

Reinbach: I never said anything about a bird... Whatever are you talking about?

Cecile: The bird that helps the babies!! My father told me about it!! You don't mean to say it DIED, do you?!?!?

Reinbach: The big bird? The one that carries the babies to the houses?
Reinbach: *confused*

Cecile: Nonono, if flies, but only if the tree dies before the baby is born off the tree. So you can see, it has nothing to do with Master Thomas.

Reinbach: Cecile, do you know... wait... I had better not... *mumbles*

Cecile: *stares* ....
Cecile: Did the bird really die then?

Danie Blight: (XD He was SO not gonna tell her about sex XD)
LAC768: (*is SO very dead*)

Reinbach: I never said anything about a bird. Would you like me to explain to you, what "having children" actually means?

Cecile: *starts to protest about the poor dead bird* But I told you all I know already! u////u

Reinbach: Well, then you do not know. Having children means... *braces himself*

Danie Blight: (Should he tell her about sex? XDDDDDD)
LAC768: (That's up to you, dear. >D The only brain that's been broken thus far is my own. XD; )
Danie Blight: (hahahahah)

Reinbach: Well, have you ever seen a mouse?

Cecile: *stares* Of course!! One bit Sir Jacques once!!!

Reinbach: Wonderful :D Well, have you ever though about how baby mice come along? Two adult mice come together and mate to make baby mice :D

Cecile: But Father said that people were different from animals, Lord Reinbach. *blinks* THAT is why the bird and the tree were so important!

Reinbach: *smiles* My dear. Do you know how more humans are born?

Cecile: *sighs exhasperatedly* THE TREE AND THE BIRD, silly!!!!!!!!!!

Reinbach: *shakes his head* No my dear :3 We humans mate, not with a bird or a tree, but with other humans.

Cecile: *stares blankly, totally not computing* ....*then....* ....Of course!! That is what marriage is. THEN comes the bird and the tree!

Reinbach: Nope. There is no bird. And no tree.

Cecile: But--but then...
Cecile: ...OHH!!!!!!!

Reinbach: *smiles*

Cecile: Like the cabbage patch!!!!! I get it!!!!

Reinbach: No dear. No vegetables involved. Or at least I hope not... And there is no plant os animals involved in human mating.

Cecile: ....So, you just get married and they come in the mail? :/

Reinbach: *small smile* No my dear :D They come from the womb.

Cecile: ...I don't think I've ever heard of that country. :O

Reinbach: It is not a country ^^ It is inside of you.

Cecile: .....I do not think a village would fit there, silly! :D

Danie Blight: (Is it an organ, d'ya think?)
LAC768: (Eh, something like that. It's a part of yourself, I'd assume. *says the AP Biology student YAY ME.*)

Reinbach: Cecile, it is not a village :D It is a part of the human body.

Cecile: *blinks* .....so...oh!! That must be why you have to eat some of the cabbage!! :O

Reinbach: There is not vegetables involved. ONly humans.

Cecile: ..I don't understand. ._. What does that have to do with getting married?

Reinbach: Nothing. It has something to do with habing children.

Cecile: -_-; But that is what we are talking about. I don't know if I want to voyage to that country you were talking about if I don't even know where it is.

Reinbach: The womb is something inside the human body *points to where it would be on her* Its there.

Cecile: *pats her stomach and blinks* ....Do you lose it when you get married? :/

Reinbach: No, that is where the baby stays for 9 months.

Cecile: Do I have to eat one to get it there? o_____o *wrings her hands*

Reinbach: What? Eat a baby? No my dear :D It goes there when it is a tiny egg :D You produce it :D

Cecile: o_o Like a chicken? But chicken eggs aren't always chickens!! Sometimes they're omlets, sometimes they're poached, and sometimes they're scrambled!
Cecile: ;____; I don't want a scrambled baby.

Reinbach: My dear ^^ You are just confusing yourself :D You and master Thomas would produce the baby together.

Cecile: Master Thomas has a chicken egg and a womb too?
Cecile: *still struggling with the concept that it is NOT a country.*

Reinbach: I think I will stop right there, to spare you the confusion. ^^ One day when you are old enough, someone will tell you all about it ^^

Cecile: *pats her stomach again* ....? I think I understood more before you tried to tell me about chickens. :S

Reinbach: *sighs* It had nothing to do with chickens my dear, but I will say no more for the time being.

Cecile: Should I ask Master Thomas about it? *blinks*

Reinbach: Indeed you should ^_^ Ask him about having children, and see what he says.

Cecile: ....But....it sounds terribly indecent. And I don't think Master Thomas would be happy if I told him the bird was dead. ;_;

Reinbach: The bird is not dead.

Cecile: Then there IS a bird, isn't there!!!
Cecile: That must be how the chickens are involved. :O

Reinbach: Well, you ask Thomas ^^

Cecile: About the chickens?

Reinbach: About making children

Cecile: With chickens?

Reinbach: No, with human organs dear ^^

Cecile: o_O You make children with human organs?
Cecile: Yuber does things with human organs I shouldn't talk about.

Reinbach: ... I meant in a good way ^^

Cecile: There is nothing good about that, Lord Reinbach. *blinks* And he kills people for organs. I can't do that.

Reinbach: No my dear! You make children in a good way! Nothing to do with yuber

Cecile: ....*fingers her ear, since that's the only organ that comes to mind* ...I don't want to lose my ears. ;__;

Reinbach: You have other organs. Not only your ears.

Cecile: Well, I certainly don't want to lose them. Having children sounds dangerous.

Reinbach: It is not all that dangerous. Providing that you use the right protection.

Cecile: *stares* Lord Reinbach, I wear the most protective armor all the time!!! How can you say that I am not protected?!

Danie Blight: (Omg...)
Danie Blight: (I am CRYINg with laugher... omg....)
LAC768: (Me too. So much love <33)

Reinbach: Dear ^^ I think there is a squirrell over there. You should go and see it before Luca eats it! *points* Quick!

Cecile: What?! *spins around* WHERE?!?!?

Reinbach: THERE! Go!! Behind the BIG tree!! Over there!!!

Cecile: *runs off to find the squirrel behind the tree* I'LL PROTECT YOU--!!!!!!!!!

Reinbach: *gets up and leaves* ...Sigh....

reinbach, babies, rp log

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