In which Cecile and Hix conspire against the zombies with a plan that will make PETA proud, Jeremy is deemed afraid, Eugene is unknowingly involved, Hix is jealous of Sasuke's unprecedented abilities, and vampires are not very good on the carpet. Everyone wins, and everyone will get an orange commemorative plaque people will stare at with reverence while eating mashed potatoes.
Sam Aoshi: I feel lame when I make typos. XD
Sam Aoshi: I'm an English major, typos and grammar are suppose to be my friend!
Sam Aoshi: I mean, typos are the enemy! XD
LAC768: Wait, typos are your--okay
LAC768: XDD;;;;;;
Sam Aoshi: And grammar is my friend. XD
LAC768: Yes, I thought so.
Sam Aoshi: SEE? my brain is lost somewhere. ;-;
Sam Aoshi: Lisa where did my brain go? ;-;
LAC768: ....
Sam Aoshi: OH NOES. ;-;
Hix: Did you brain have sprinkles on it? :O
Cecile: *scolds* Zombies don't eat sweets!!!
Hix: Sure they do! :O Brains are like a salad!
Hix: You put two forks in and you mash it about and munch!
Hix: not that I would know. :D;
Cecile: o__o Salad is not sweet though!! ...But salad has celery....
Hix: It is when you but a sweet dressing on it!
Cecile: *horrified* Zombies like salad dressing?!?!
Hix: I don't know if they do! :O
Cecile: But sprinkles are awfully different from salad dressing. ._.
Hix: When I was little, when our village had a haunted house, all the kids were told to close there eyes and stick there hands in a bowl filled with things like human eyeballs and brains. o.o
Hix: Brains are weird feeling.
Cecile: *stares numbly* o____o
Hix: What's wrong? o.o
Cecile: What if the zombies didn't give Sir Watari his brains back!?!? He said they did, but--!!!
Hix: Maybe they did. I don't know. o.o
Cecile: But the GUPPIES!!!! Sir Watari said that my mind was like guppies and the zombies take advantage of that. ;__; Guppies are not like salad dressing.
Hix: I don't know what a guppy is. :D;
Cecile: It is a litttttttle fish!! :O And Sir Watari said that my mind was like a guppy. ;_;
Hix: So your a fish? o.o
Sam Aoshi: ((*dead*))
LAC768: (I'll have to dig that log out. It was gullible, not guppy.)
Cecile: My mind is. ;__; At least, that is what Sir Watari said.
Hix: Ooooooooo!!!!! Well if your mind is a fish, then your head is a fishbowl! :D :D :D :D
Hix: Kind of like the goldfish I gave Mathiu! :D :D :D
Cecile: o____o THE GOLDFISH!?!
Cecile: They're part of his Zombie Army That Wasn't!!!
Hix: Goldfish can't hurt people Cecile! :O They are too cute and small!
Cecile: But if they team up with Zombies and Vampires they ARE dangerous!!
Sam Aoshi: ((Oh god, why is it always painful when these two talk to each other? XD))
LAC768: (I don't know. T__T The logic is brain-bursting.)
Hix: Oh, okay! I had a pet vampire once, but then my mom told me I had to get it out of the house because she was creeped out by it. ;-; she was so cute too.
Cecile: o___o ....
Cecile: I hear vampires make the carpet messy. >>
Hix: Its terrible! ;-;
Cecile: No WONDER your mother disliked them!! And with the goldfish and the salad dressing and the guppies--!!! What a terrible thing to clean up after!!!
Hix: Yes, it was quite horrible. Vampires make terrible pets.
Hix: But then she got be a puppy! :D
Cecile: --!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Cecile: *hushed whisper* B-but what about the salad dressing? o__o'
Hix: The salad dressing is a way to repell zombies! It doesn't repell vampires!
Cecile: SALAD DRESSING REPELS ZOMBIES?!?!? *grabs Hix by the shoulders violently*
Hix: *is shaken*
Hix: Uh uh.... not sure? :D;
Cecile: ;_____; I COULD HAVE SAVED EVERYONE!!!!!
Hix: Especially Italian salad dressing! ITS ZESTY!
Hix: So wait, your going to use salad dressing on Sir Mathiu and his zombie army? o.o
Cecile: IT IS THE ONLY WAY. *_*
*dramatic wind effects*
Hix: The zesty-ness BURNS.
Sam Aoshi: ((Dun dun dun!!!!))
Cecile: We'll cure Sir Mathiu of his zombie vision!!! And then everyone will be saved!!
Hix: I'll help you Cecile! :O!!!! *raised fist*
Hix: *grabbing Cecile's hands quickly* We can do it! TOGETHER! XO!
Hix: *nodding his head frantically*
Hix: But but... one thing...!
Cecile: Wh-what? o.o
Hix: How do we save, Caesar? :<
Hix: Since Albert that jerk turned him into a piece of celery? :O
Cecile: o_______o
Cecile: What about that vinagrette dressing?
Hix: Hm, that could work. o.o
Hix: And how should we do this? :O Do we hide in the bush scream "DEMON BE GONE!" and throw the dressings in their faces? :O?
Cecile: But it might splatter!
Cecile: We don't want to salad-dress other innocent people!
Hix: So then what should we do Cecile? ;-;
Cecile: >_< ....
Hix: :O? :O?
Cecile: Maybe...maybe...
Cecile: We can infiltrate their Zombie Army That Wasn't meeting and sneak zesto dressing in their food!!! :O
Hix: Okay! I'll get the dressing from the cafe, if you can find out where there secret zombie-army-base is! :D :D :D
Hix: yay! Were saving lives! :D
Cecile: I will do my very very VERY best to find the secret base!!!!
Sam Aoshi: ((No, Hix, your not saving lives. x_x))
LAC768: (Hee hee)
Hix: All right! We can meet back here uh... ummm.... when should we meet back here? :O?
Cecile: Uhmmmm....
Cecile: Do zombies like full moons? o.o
Hix: I think that's werewolves! :O
Cecile: Oh. ._.
Cecile: about we meet before Halloween? I bet the zombies have evil halloween plans. ;_;
Cecile: Zombies like to make people sad, and everyone will be happy for the holidays.
Okay then! :O Shall we meet back here before we go on with our plan? :O?
Cecile: Yes, let's! :D
Sam Aoshi: ((I guess we can assume they are at Cecile's post? XD;;; or something? ))
LAC768: (At the front gate? :D)
LAC768: (Because it's oh-so inconspicuous. XD)
Sam Aoshi: ((Even better. XD))
LAC768: (All those random NPCs walk by and stare. XD)
Sam Aoshi: ((omg, that would be perfect. XD))
Hix: And then we will show those stupid zombies who's boss! XO!
Cecile: WE WILL!! *__* Thank you so much for working with me, Sir Hix!! *bows*
Cecile: But let's keep it a secret!! :O Zombies know things. o_o
Hix: Yes, I'll keep it quiet! :O! You can count on me! Those zombie's won't know what hit them!
Cecile: *grins* I'll just...have to find some way to get all that zesto salad dressing. o.o
Hix: We can get it from Mamie and then we can fling them at the zombies in pudding cups! :O
Cecile: Oh!! The ORANGE pudding cups!!
Hix: EXACTLY! Orange is beautiful and blinding! :O
Cecile: *happy sigh, glomps Hix with a hug* Exactly~ :3
Hix: *hugs Cecile back with a dumb grin on his face* This will be the best thing we ever did for Budehuc! :O
Cecile: Yes!! *fierce nod* They will tell stories about how you valiantly saved Halloween, Sir Hix!! :O
Hix: And don't forget yourself Cecile! :O You helped saved Halloween too! We're going to be FAMOUS. <3
Cecile: ^//^; Fame is not what I'm looking for, but if I can save EVERYONE, of COURSE I will help!!!
Hix: Well, we don't need to be famous, but but... people have no faith in our ablities sometimes hence why we MUST PROVE THEM WRONG.
Hix: Well, have no faith in me. :D; not sure about you!
Cecile: ._. Some people do not have faith in me either.
Cecile: *pauses* Sir Hix, Sir Eugene wanted to help smite zombies too. Should I tell him about your plan?
Hix: but if we can save everyone then our job at making Budehuc a better place, then so be it! And oohhhh!!! Sure! You tell Sir Eugene about our plans and then we can go on a zombie hunt! :O!!!
Cecile: I will!! That way he can get his orange name plaque that people shall stare at in reverence while eating mashed potatoes!
Cecile: I might tell Sir Sasuke too, but he is only fluent in zombie and does not fight. Sir Jeremy is too afraid, so I won't tell him.
Hix: Your so awesome Cecile! :D *cuddles her!*
Cecile: --!! :3
Hix: Sir Sasuke is fluent in zombie? o.o really?
Hix: I am jealous. ;-;
Cecile: ;__; Me too.
Cecile: But we can still defeat them!! Then no one will need to be fluent in zombie!!!
Hix: Good! Because being fluent in zombie sounds hard. ._.