Balticon 42, Day 2

May 26, 2008 14:31

I got some time to hit the dealer room as well as to pick up Balticon 42 tee shirts for both of us. The largest offering in the dealer room was a wide variety of books. I found the same dealer from whom andreahg had bought my Cthulu fish tee last year and picked up a Cthulhu for President tee. You know, when you're tired of the lesser evil.

sailormur's Live Takeover audio drama was fantastic and hilarious. She had a full cast who gave a stellar performance. I got to help her record video with her desktop tripod and flip camera. I can't wait until the podcast starts.

This was followed by one of the video podcasring panels, 101, I think. southernronin kept the discussion flowing smoothly and ensured the panelists covered a good survey of topics. I had to duck out partway through, though, as my blood sugar had started to crash. I didn't snag any food, my first mistake of the day. I don't think I got anything to drink, either.

My first author reading of the day was Joshua Palmatier. He read from the last book in his epic fantasy trilogy which was recently released. I missed Danielle Ackley-McPhail's reading because the schedule errata was a cryptogram my addled brain could not solve.

The next reading I recorded was the Short Short Slam. The authors included planetx, blackwell, Steve Wilson, James Patrick Kelly and Bill deSmedt. This was my favorite reading after sailormur's. Jared and JR read from some of their short works. Jared obliged my request to read The Bitter Kiss of the Ronin's Cup, the first story I heard him read, the very first time I met him. I love that story! Jim Kelly read a single short piece that seemed familiar though I couldn't say if I read it before as he didn't remark on where it might have been published. Steve and Bill both read excerpts from their longer fiction.

The final reading of the day was Mur's. I didn't have to record it as Martha had it covered. I love Mur's fiction and the excerpts she shared from her current work in progress is no exception. The room was packed to the point where late comers had to be turned away. The heat, unfortunately, really did me in, on top of the dehydration and low blood sugar.

I quickly made me way back to the main podcast room to record the live Aliens You Will Meet for Jared. It was a real treat meeting both Richard Kalwaic and Russell Collins, the narrator and composer respectively who Jared is lucky to have contribute. I think the dual channel audio with the paddle mic for the music and Q&A plus the hand mic for Richard will give Jared some very workable audio to publish in his feed.

At this point, I had to have a time out. I retired to the room, not interested in the hotel restaurant or able to find anyone hanging about looking hungry. I ordered a bacon sandwich. (A BLT? Let's call it what it is, please.) It was delicious and along with the Tres Pistoles and the blissfully cool room air did much to repair my mood. If at any point previous I grouched at you, please accept my apology. It was a set of circumstancs entirely of my own making.

I relaxed further down in the lobby waiting for Heather Welliver's concert to start. I got a chance to chat with Heather a bit before her performance. She was nervous but proved to have no good reason to be. Stokley Rose warmed up the crowd for her, also stalling to allow more folks with conflicting panels to make it to her show.

Kulture Kast conducted a recording for their fiftieth episode outside in the court at the same time, meaning that while the turn out was good, there were some conspicuous absences. I bought Heather a well deserved drink after her set and there was much carousing in the bar and lounge after. As the Kulture Kast recording let out (did they really take three hours? More?), I finally got a chance to see folks I hadn't seen much of to that point. I also got a chance to formally meet James Patrick Kelly and chat with him a bit. I very much enjoy his regular column in Asimov's.

The volunteers I mentioned in the day 1 post, by the way. All no shows. Late on day 2, a fellow approached us offering himself and his iRiver. Martha and I pounced, though we managed not to overload him. He helped us capture three readings on Sunday, which was an improvement over last year where it was just Martha and myself.

balticon 42, con

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