Well, my teeth are bothering me again, although different teeth than usual. I am hoping that they stop hurting with the simple help of sleep, but I am not sure that that will do it. So, I am preparing to have yet another visit to the dentist if the pain persists.
Oh well, it isn't really bad yet, just bad enough to prevent sleep from coming very easily. That being said, I really do hope for sleep soon, because in the a few hours I need to up and rested enough to learn yet another trade, one that I am only semi proficient with. I am starting with an electrician doing freelance work for him, and that ought to be pretty good.
The True item of note is that today is the 5th anniversery of a drive I took with Micaela that resulted in, well, us. For which I am very grateful and do not have a single regret about. Much more important than anything else in my book.
So, maudlin as it may be, Micaela, when you do read this, I love you, and hope that the next five years are even better for us.
And of course the weather is preventing me from logging into the net, so I am typing this out in notepad to paste into LJ as soon as the weather permits, as long as it does so before I finish my drink.
Gah...still down, although it is blinking on and off every two seconds.
Damn these clouds. It is night time, I have little use for them. No sun to hide, so why do they persist?
* Comment posted by
heinous, at 2006-07-06 17:57:13:
Awe! (Regarding anniversary). I am so happy for you guys.
And by the way, I did see you called yesterday. I am meaning to call you, it has just been a hellofa week. Probably Sunday is a good bet for the calling.
* Comment posted by
stacialue, at 2006-07-07 18:51:34:
Congratulations. Sorry, would have posted something sooner, but Jeff and I have been puking our guts out the past two days. Gotta love the summer flu.