put your money where your mouth is.

Feb 26, 2011 18:03

"Wilkinson (2010) similarly challenges polyamory for failing to live up to its radical potentials, pointing out the way in which it perpetuates notions that romantic love is all important and reinforces other problematic hierarchies between private/public and inside/outside, in ways that are far from the queer and feminist visions of open communities and networks mentioned previously. She highlights a kind of poly-normativity, which has emerged analogous to the homonormativity identified by Warner (1999) and others, which reifies dominant and ‘damaging hierarchies of respectability’ (Warner, 1999:74). Other authors have suggested, on the basis of interviews with polyamorous people, that such relationships have failed to reword gender dynamics in any meaningful or radical way (Sheff, 2006) and often perpetuate problematic post-feminist ideas that gender equality has been achieved and that women and men enter such relationships on an equal footing (Klesse, 2005, 2010).” Barker & Langdridge, 2010, pg 756.

polyamory, thesis

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