May 18, 2008 16:58
So, I am a graduate of Rowan University!!!! Four years, lots of work, fun, drinking and lack of sleep, but years that will be remembered and forgotten. Experiences that I've gone through, people I've met, befriended, de-friended and wutnot. Things change so much in 4 years, it's crazy. It's such a weird thing to look back at your life and see how you have changed, and the people around you. After 4 years, I feel like I've finally found my place at this university, n now everything must change again. None of this is necessarily a bad thing, its just the usual need for adjustment. Now I must find out what I would like to do with the rest of my life. IT's weird that for most of my life I have been such a driven person, n this past year I have not felt like myself. Again, not a bad thing because i really enjoyed this year a lot. MY friends, well, family really, have been great with my ups and downs, no matter how stupid or unimportant they were. The reason I don't have a job, or a place in a university for a higher degree is my own fault. Now, I have made a lot of excuses, which I shouldn't have done. It all comes down to a mental block of mine, stress- induced which has made me not want to do anything, or take care of my life. Now, I have no real problem doing things for anyone else, but myself, I constantly put on the back-burner. I know that I am an avoider, and i have been putting of the most important things. I'm at the point where i am beginning to deal with everything and it's a good thing.... nothing else on the public front, hope all is well with the public...