no more cold stone here i come cafe grillades

Aug 03, 2006 23:40

i can't even pronounce half the things in the menu.. or the name of the store itself! gosh.. well this restaurant apparently serves mostly mediterranean/middle eastern ppl cuz we serve halal meat..

o mann its a lot more work that i thought it would be.. and this is ridiculous.. i'm gonna have to pay for my own freakin food with only a 25% discount.. how do they expect me to know how things taste like if i'm gonna have to pay 4-5 bucks for it!? meh whatever my trainer was nice she gave my blueberries (mountain picked) and $10 bucks for tips =P so i went to cold stone after i was done there.. to close up with dottie.. he was being an ace-hole.. not really but yea.. hmm they made the same in sales at cold stone for the day.. and let's see half of what i got in tips =]

sigh well the fact that dottie is really leaving for san diego hasn't really hit me yet.. i should feel something but i'm living in the 'NOW' so meh whatever..

so anyways! cold stone is so much more fun than this job.. i can tell! at least i work with my peers and i can make jokes or whatever.. here its me the waitress alone, the cook and dishwasher.. sigh the first month or so is gonna be a pain and they're changing things around right when i get in. =/ ok enough ranting

i got new shoes for the job =P yay!
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