(no subject)

Jul 28, 2004 01:22

ToHot2Touch8989: are u excited
BellaBaby2007: no
BellaBaby2007: not really i dono
ToHot2Touch8989: y i would be
BellaBaby2007: i dono
BellaBaby2007: i dont wanna wkae up at 3
ToHot2Touch8989: u should go to bed
BellaBaby2007: i know
BellaBaby2007: sing to me
ToHot2Touch8989: lmao
ToHot2Touch8989: wut
BellaBaby2007: i dono
BellaBaby2007: i gotta poop
ToHot2Touch8989: ur so random
BellaBaby2007: yeah
BellaBaby2007: knock knock
ToHot2Touch8989: whos there
BellaBaby2007: little boy blue
ToHot2Touch8989: little boy blue who
BellaBaby2007: michal jackson
ToHot2Touch8989: thats from wanna com in that show on mtv
BellaBaby2007: damn
BellaBaby2007: ur too sweet
ToHot2Touch8989: those guys got into a fight
BellaBaby2007: i know
BellaBaby2007: it was cool
ToHot2Touch8989: i loved it
BellaBaby2007: wait qusetion
BellaBaby2007: why do u watch that show
BellaBaby2007: thast kinda feminine
ToHot2Touch8989: i herd there was a fight adn my friend who watches it told me to turn to it
ToHot2Touch8989: i so bullshitting
ToHot2Touch8989: notihng was on
BellaBaby2007: hahaha
BellaBaby2007: yeah
ToHot2Touch8989: lol
ToHot2Touch8989: we have the wierdist conversations ever
BellaBaby2007: i know seriously
BellaBaby2007: they r funny
ToHot2Touch8989: did u believe me about that show
BellaBaby2007: not for a second
BellaBaby2007: actually sorta
BellaBaby2007: but then no
BellaBaby2007: i will buy you a garden
ToHot2Touch8989: k i always wanted to grow fresh tomatoes
BellaBaby2007: lol
BellaBaby2007: its a song homeslice
ToHot2Touch8989: i no its on now 4
BellaBaby2007: huh
ToHot2Touch8989: that song is on my now 4 cd
BellaBaby2007: lol
BellaBaby2007: who has now
BellaBaby2007: acutally i have one
BellaBaby2007: well not 1... but a cd
BellaBaby2007: of now
ToHot2Touch8989: when i was in 5th grade thats wat all my freinds gave me on my b-day
BellaBaby2007: i hate them becuase they r never now
BellaBaby2007: they r always old by the time they actually come out
ToHot2Touch8989: that is true
BellaBaby2007: yeah
BellaBaby2007: the notebook
BellaBaby2007: was so good
ToHot2Touch8989: did u cry stef told me it was so sad
BellaBaby2007: no i was crying on the inside tho
BellaBaby2007: lol
BellaBaby2007: i got teary eyed
ToHot2Touch8989: i hate crying on the inside in air bud i did that
BellaBaby2007: lol
BellaBaby2007: aw
ToHot2Touch8989: when he let the dog go and siad run bud go awya
BellaBaby2007: airbud is so cute
BellaBaby2007: but liek its so gay
BellaBaby2007: like OK a dogs gonna play for wlw
BellaBaby2007: ya knwo
ToHot2Touch8989: ya
BellaBaby2007: AW or like in my dog skip
BellaBaby2007: he kicked him
BellaBaby2007: OMG im gonna cry gary
ToHot2Touch8989: i no my dog skip was so sad when he dies
ToHot2Touch8989: i cries so hard
BellaBaby2007: noo it was sadder when he kicked him
BellaBaby2007: it was like tearfest 2000
ToHot2Touch8989: it was so sad
ToHot2Touch8989: never mention that movie agian
BellaBaby2007: lol
BellaBaby2007: hes like
BellaBaby2007: "skeeep"
BellaBaby2007: cwith his southern accent
ToHot2Touch8989: shut up carly ur gonna make me cry
BellaBaby2007: lol
ToHot2Touch8989: i mean that in the most masculant way possibel
BellaBaby2007: today tasha spilt red nailpolish on my carpet in the shape of a balloonnn
BellaBaby2007: it was kinda cute
BellaBaby2007: it even had the string
ToHot2Touch8989: lol
ToHot2Touch8989: i would be amd
ToHot2Touch8989: mad*
BellaBaby2007: well its tasha
BellaBaby2007: lol
ToHot2Touch8989: i bet allies away meesage is about u
BellaBaby2007: oh god
BellaBaby2007: LMAO
BellaBaby2007: i try but i can't seem to get myself to think of anything but you<3
BellaBaby2007: yeah gary
BellaBaby2007: right on
BellaBaby2007: im sure
BellaBaby2007: ur just hoping it is
ToHot2Touch8989: i want u 2 to get back together
BellaBaby2007: lol change of subject
BellaBaby2007: i dont liek talking about it
ToHot2Touch8989: no
BellaBaby2007: YES
BellaBaby2007: im starting my peorid gary
BellaBaby2007: i suggest we dont
ToHot2Touch8989: sorry
BellaBaby2007: dreams last for so long.. even after your gone. i know that YOU love me and soon i know you will see. you wer ement for me and i was ment for u
ToHot2Touch8989: carly i mean i thought we were friends but if u wanna have sex with me we can make that possibel
BellaBaby2007: yeah
ToHot2Touch8989: u want me
BellaBaby2007: ew gary
BellaBaby2007: ur like my annoying little brother
BellaBaby2007: who i sometimes talk to
BellaBaby2007: when im bored
BellaBaby2007: JK JK JK
BellaBaby2007: lol
ToHot2Touch8989: u no wut ur a bad influnce on me and i don't wanna be friends anymore
BellaBaby2007: LMAO
BellaBaby2007: i know
BellaBaby2007: im bad to the bone
ToHot2Touch8989: i mad to the boner
BellaBaby2007: that was so funny last night i called the wrong number and was talking to some person for like 10 mins
ToHot2Touch8989: bad*
ToHot2Touch8989: LMAO
ToHot2Touch8989: ur so silly
BellaBaby2007: i know
BellaBaby2007: lol never say that again
ToHot2Touch8989: that was my mom
ToHot2Touch8989: not a random persn
BellaBaby2007: STFU
BellaBaby2007: lMAO
ToHot2Touch8989: i sweat
ToHot2Touch8989: swear
BellaBaby2007: im sweet
BellaBaby2007: wow
ToHot2Touch8989: she din't no wut u where saying
BellaBaby2007: what did seh say
BellaBaby2007: to u
BellaBaby2007: about it
ToHot2Touch8989: she was like someone called and talked ot me i couldn't understand them they talked to fast
BellaBaby2007: LMAOOO
BellaBaby2007: wow
BellaBaby2007: thats so funny
BellaBaby2007: im an ass
ToHot2Touch8989: i have a nice ass
BellaBaby2007: ew
BellaBaby2007: i saw it
BellaBaby2007: did u really see my boobs that day
BellaBaby2007: at the pool
ToHot2Touch8989: ya
BellaBaby2007: how
BellaBaby2007: ....................
ToHot2Touch8989: u noved ur thing to far and a nip poped out
ToHot2Touch8989: moved*
BellaBaby2007: i have nice boobs tho dont i
BellaBaby2007: little but happy
ToHot2Touch8989: ya
BellaBaby2007: their happy
ToHot2Touch8989: tru
BellaBaby2007: well i saw ur vagina
BellaBaby2007: thats sick
BellaBaby2007: u need to like.. not
ToHot2Touch8989: lmao
ToHot2Touch8989: i miss geena
BellaBaby2007: i know
BellaBaby2007: i camped with her
BellaBaby2007: it was fun
BellaBaby2007: i went to her hocky game
BellaBaby2007: she played for a team she doesnt normally play for... the score was 9-5.. and she scored all 5 goals
BellaBaby2007: i wanna play hockey next year4 for the girls team
BellaBaby2007: ill be soo good but ill just like laugh the whole time
BellaBaby2007: plus id have to learn how to ice skate
ToHot2Touch8989: lol
ToHot2Touch8989: ya
BellaBaby2007: im not bad on rollerblades tho.. i can ALMOST go backwards
BellaBaby2007: looks like ill have to get me a hot hockey player to teach me
BellaBaby2007: dude hockey players r hot
BellaBaby2007: like alot of them
ToHot2Touch8989: like me
BellaBaby2007: not quite what i was thinking
BellaBaby2007: lol
ToHot2Touch8989: i play with my stick all day
BellaBaby2007: gary ud be worse then me
ToHot2Touch8989: w/e
BellaBaby2007: ok well im getting sleepy
BellaBaby2007: so im gonna go have sex with the hot guy waiting for me in my bed
ToHot2Touch8989: i am not there yet
BellaBaby2007: lol
BellaBaby2007: uk come on over
BellaBaby2007: ill be waiting
BellaBaby2007: HAHAHA
ToHot2Touch8989: lol
ToHot2Touch8989: good nite i am going to bed
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