i don't think this test is accurate....i'm more like 88%

May 15, 2006 22:16

Your Stress Level is: 63%

You are prone to stress, and you're probably even pretty stressed right now.
Life's problems seem to pile up on you, and this often makes you feel depressed and burned out.
Learn to take time to relax and enjoy life, even if things are stressful. It's the only wa you'll get through the bad times.
How Stressed Are You?

Its just one of those end of the quarters... i'm falling behind and i'm finding it difficult to pick up the pieces and make time for everything, but as of right now if i don't go to sleep soon i'll be useless tomorrow and i'm supposed to have already done all this research for a project i'm starting tomorrow and i havn't even picked my part of the topic to do. I've got to get on the ball with that. Luckily last week is over (paper, presentation, midterm)... but i almost had a nervous/mental break down in my professors office today. Stupid Computers! I tried to take an online quiz on friday and it said i had already taken it, and i hadn't and my teacher was basically telling my SOL until i think he saw the panic in my face... gosh i love being a girl who can get the tears a flowing if need be... don't worry i didn't cry... but needless to say he let me take the test.hooray... well i've got a sunburn, i've had a headache for about three days and have nothing to take to relieve it. So to bed i send myself... if you see me like talking to myself or randomly like rocking in place don't be scared... that perfectly normal for me right now, basically it'll be like that until i move out. Which by the way i HAVE to do in the MIDDLE of finals week. My landlord is kicking us out on the wednesday of finals week which means i have to be ready to leave by tuesday and i hopefully will be done with all my school stuff otherwise i have to like sleep in my car or like on a park bench or something...Stupid landlord! He knows its our finals week and all he says is "sorry about the short notice" not even like sorry for the inconvienance, just sorry to let you know so lately.... "yaddi yadda yaddda... my sons graduating... blah blah blah... you have to be out by noon but the house cleaners are coming at 9... yack yack yack" grr... that adds lots of stress too!! For sure! Is it summer yet, i just need less stress. Wait a second... I'm working at camp... stress in a half there sometimes too... oh well... atleast that kind of stress doesn't have a grade ridig on it. Well now that i've blabbed in one really long paragraph i don't feel anyless stressed and just more tired. so for real this time i've going to bed!

Later Days!

(oh gosh i just spelled my name wrong three times before it came out correctly...)
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