Stupid is as stupid does

Oct 23, 2006 20:35

From the Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire website:

Travel back in time and join us somewhere in the Middle Ages or if you prefer, the Renaissance. Queen Arianna invites you to join our villagers in a wonderful celebration with games, feasting, daring feats, sword fighting, music and shopping.

Yep...Queen Arianna.  Oh, and the Middle Ages and the Renaissance?  Same thing.

For those that don't know what this is about, some idiot put a short video on YouTube of the Bristol court stopping to be fed and watered by the FoF members (most everyone reading this probably knows what I'm talking about).  There is some fairely mean-spirited commentary by the film-maker, and claims that St. George completely ignored people and turned even their backs on people trying to talk to them.  If you could see the video, you'd see performers interacting with patrons, and his friends that are "being ignored" are about 20 feet away from the line, and don't seem to make any effort to get closer and talk to people.

I'd give you the link to view it yourself, but the user (ldwalter12) took the video down.  While it was up, there were several replies - some claiming we were just effectively worthless walking costumes (probably this loser's friends) and others trying to explain what was going on.  I've heard from other people saying they posted replies, defenses, and attacks on this video, but ldwalter12 decided to delete them all so no once could see them.

The title of the video was How to get Fired from the Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire.  Now, I looked it up, and it's held in Kalamzoo, MI for 5 weekends (right at the beginning of Bristol's run, I might add) and gets about 35,000 visitors a year according to Renaissance Magazine.  Extrapolate that out over 9 weekends, and that means that Silver Leaf is about, oh, maybe 1/4 the draw of Bristol.

Can we say RenFaire envy?

Needless to say, I'm not worried about this, and think this person is a complete idiot (given the screen name ldwalter12, I'm guessing he fancies himself to be Walter Raleigh, well-known to be Queen Arianna's favorite).  I'll leave you with the comment I posted to his profile (which will probably be deleted before too long):

So, you picked out 5 minutes of a Bristol faire day, and claim the nobles are completely ignoring people? From someone who is there every weekend, that's a flat-out lie. The "feeding line" is always having people come up and ask for pictures and talking. Please note the phrase "come up and ask"...standing 25-30 feet away from them and looking is not going to get them to interact with you.

Honestly, the only thing I can gather is that you're either petty (did Bristol, the court, or a specific noble turn you away?), ignorant (you didn't bother to pay attention to the court for more than those 5-10 minutes), or jealous (Silverleaf is second-rate compared to Bristol, quality and size-wise).

Before you go bother trying to attack people and other faires, why don't you use YouTube to show your amazing patron interaction ability, or the quality of your court? I'm pretty sure I can guess why you don't want to show off that.


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