Apr 01, 2009 12:07
Well, I think it is only fitting that my first LJ post is on April Fools Day, considering the fool that I am...LOL!!!
So, life right now is pretty ok. Working hard, playing harder...LOL!!! Don't I wish about the playing part...
I'm trying to patiently wait for August when I'll be going to VANCOUVER CANADA for Creation Entertainment's SALUTE TO SUPERNATURAL!!!!!!!!!! Trying, but not succeeding in being patient...LOL!!! I went to the con they just had in NJ and it was FAN-TAB-U-LUS!
I always have a great time at their events... And after reading some of the reports and seeing some of the photos/vids from the L.A. SPN con, I'm all hyped up for August. I guess if I start walking now, I could be in Canada by Aug... Whatcha think?!?!?!?
Speaking of walking, my car died a horrible death the last week of January, so I've been walking/bussing to work everyday... I figured out a couple of weeks ago that I'm walking about 2.4 miles everyday (roundtrip to and from the bus stop), which is waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy more than I thought...LOL!!! I'm a walking fool now...LOL!!! I have lost almost 30lbs since Feb 1st. No kidding... I've always been overweight and tried every type of diet under the sun (although I still have yet to try that lemonade/cayanne/maple syrup clense Dean drank in last week's SPN epi...LOL!), but never really lost any significant weight unless I coupled it with some type of workout (kickboxing was my fave)... Now that I'm getting some sort of work out walking to and from the bus stop, I have seen a MAJOR difference... I've decided NOT to get a new/used car until next January, if then... I know I won't really work out if I have a car and can drive to work and stuff. This way, I'm forced to do it and it is working out pretty good so far... Keep your fingers, eyes, toes crossed for me...LOL!!!
Well, I guess I better get back to work... Gotta pay some bills... I'll post again soon... Gonna try to do this once a day... We'll see how real life feels about that...LOL!!!
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."
-- Mother Theresa (1910-1997)