so it has been a really long time since i've updated this thing for real, sorry ya'll. Not much happening though, so it's not really like i've deprived you guys of anything. If there was something to tell you'll hear it. I have 4 days left of first term...hopefully it'll be only 3 cuze i'm taking off Fri. as well as Mon. And let me tell you that i'm so happy to be out of ENGLISH! woohoo! havent done ANY of my projects, but eh, i'll get to them, always do! Next term i have freaking Weight Lifting!!! what an easy class....cannot wait!!! But then I have Pre-Calc and World History AP...::gulp::
oh i went to the hospital today to shadow the radiology staff....i almost fainted. Not from blood, but from an doesnt bother me getting one, or seeing it, or seeing someone's brains all over the floor, but i dunno, maybe just being that close to it...who knows?All I know is that all of a sudden i was seeing black spots and felt really lightheaded and there's my major impression with those people...but besides taht it was really interesting, but i'm not sure if i actually want to do it as a career now....maybe it's because i am running on 4 hours of sleep that made me really like, brain-dull. you know the feeling? so anyways i have to go to work in 2 hours or so, tired as a dog, and school tomorrow....hooray! gtg maybe start on those english projects.....hmm.....