Okay, so it was the 2.14-2.15 two-parter that pulled me into this show as surely and quickly as a sure and quick thing that can pull really, really strongly. Because. The buttons. Oh, the buttons that were pushed. For one, Reid is clearly the vulnerable character all the fangirls like to torture- see the fanfiction.net listings if you don't believe me, he must be a central character in 80% of the fic at least. And the show delivered so well on the Reid torture. It was squicky, it was uncomfortable, and it was all nuanced, because Tobias was the only person in that room trying to help Reid, and yet it's the dilaudid now that has the best chance of permanently harming him. I mean... if it contributed to Tobias's break with reality, and if Reid has a good chance of developing paranoid schizophrenia... things could get very, very bad, beyond the badness of a drug addiction and into the badness of Hello, My Name Is Straitjacket.
So. After the whole being-pulled-in, I got busy with the computer and am slowly catching up on the previous seasons.
But my primary squee has to be for Fear and Loathing, because. Way to go, Criminal Minds, with the follow-through. I *adore* a show with follow-through, a show that lets its characters carry their problems forward. I don't even mind that the most characterization we get seems always to be on the plane home- hell, CSI only brings out character traits for sweeps. The little intercutting scenes with Reid flashing back to his capture were freaky as all get out, and I know I wasn't the only person shouting at the screen, "Dude! You have an IQ of 187! WHY ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT SHOOTING UP IN THE PUBLIC BATHROOM OF THE BUILDING THAT YOUR TEAM IS IN?" That, if nothing else, has to be a measure of his fucked-upedness.
And in conclusion... squee. This is a show I am prepared to love.