Title: Released - Chapter 6
Author: Chiazu
Rating: R
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Paring: Hotch/Reid
Disclaimer: They're just my puppets. My lovely, lovely puppets.
Author's Note: This prompt was posted in the IKY'dU forum by
vanessasquest and she's letting me fill it for her: I was just watching Sex, Birth, Death... and I was wondering if there isn't any fanfic out there about the kid coming back later (you know after a couple years cultivated in a psych ward) if someone would be willing to write a piece about that and make it Hotch/Reid Reid-centric?
Chapter 6: Oh, you guys don't even to know why this took so long.
Summary: Reid - "What if next time he kills somebody?" Gideon - "Then you catch him."
Chapter 6 )
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 )
Chapter 2 )
Chapter 3 )
Chapter 4 )
Chapter 5 )