Title: Line in the Circle
Author: Tooks
Pairing: Hotch/Reid, Ethan
Rating: FRAO
Summary: After Reid steps out Ethan tries to get through to Hotch much to the agent's ever increasing displeasure.
Notes: This is AU but there are Season 5 spoilers!! Piece 15 of my
"Breaking the Bonds" series that follows right after the last piece. There's cursing in this one, some more throwing up, fair amount of adult talk and, as always, angst. (Those just joining...Ethan was Reid's friend from Season 2's "Jones".)
"A circle is the reflection of eternity. It has no beginning and it has no end - and if you put several circles over each other, then you get a spiral." ~ Maynard James Keenan Read the whole series from
the beginning...all pieces are linked for simplicity.
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