Title: Degrees of Sin
Author: Tooks
Pairing: Hotch/Reid
Rating: FRAO
Summary: Some men take care of their problems, others try to negate them.
Notes: This is AU but there are Season 5 spoilers!! Part 9 of my
"Breaking the Bonds" series. So much for FRM, huh? Haha! This one's got nudity, angst, and a "cold shower" if you know what I mean...the rating might be too high but I couldn't tell (any thoughts readers??) so I decided to rate cautiously.
" A believer is far more apt to be burdened with a sense of sin, and to feel the fear of it in his own character than an unbeliever; because if we are carried along the stream we fear nothing, and it is only when we strive against it, that its progress and power are discernible." ~ John Owen Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart FivePart SixPart SevenPart Eight May be X-posted at
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