Challenge in a Can short

Jun 26, 2005 21:25

Title: Untitled

Author: cosmosmariner

Pairing: Spike/Angel, Angel/Buffy

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Buffy will never understand Angel like Spike does.

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with Joss, ME, or anyone involved in the BtVS franchise.

Challenge in a Can Words: Angel, depressed, nail polish.

Stream of Consciousness - begin NOW:

What was it that he said before he turned around and walked away? "You'll never understand Angel like I do, Buffy. You'll never feel that fire that burns deep within him. You've only felt a shadow of the man, of the vampire."

Buffy stood there, stake in hand, ready to plunge it deep into Spike's chest. Instead, the blond vamp took her mind to a place she never wanted to go. A place where her undead soulmate was boning his changeling somewhere in Sunnydale's crypts.

Spike disappeared, leaving Buffy to sit on the park bench outside of the cemetary. She glanced at her hands, saw the chipping nail polish that belied her otherwise perfectly groomed facade. Buffy would not let go of the stake. She kept hoping that Spike would come back, that she could have a chance to talk to him. That she could beat the living shit out of him for fucking her Angel.

When she had sex with Angel, did he think of Spike? Did he think of the times that the younger vampire came in his ass, in his mouth, in dank and seedy dives all over Europe and America? Her Angel, whom she considered her undead soulmate? She had to admit, it seemed right. Of course Angel would be screwing the Slayer. His boy toy was busy with Drusilla.

Ugh. The thought disgusted her. Or depressed her. In turns it even thrilled her. Dirty, filthy, disgusting Spike, fucking Angel, making him buck. No. No, no NO! If she couldn't have Angel, no one could.

She pocketed the stake. It might come in handy soon.


spike, btvs, angel/angelus, slash, challenge in a can, adult themes

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