Challenge in a Can - Quickie!

Mar 11, 2005 23:13

Challenge In A Can words: Oz, scared, crossbow.

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with Joss, ME, or anyone involved in the BtVS franchise.

This is completely stream of conciousness here - completely rough and I'm not even going to think twice about posting!

*begin now*

He ran through the field, chasing the little boy, his paws disturbing the dirt and wiping away the boy's footprints. He smelled it, the fear of the child, and it made him so hungry. So very hungry. Just a little taste... a little taste and he would be finished with the boy.

The child ran faster and faster, trying to climb a tree to escape the scary wolf-like being that chased it. He slipped from the tree bark, and fell on his behind. He started to cry. This wolf thing was going to eat him. He just knew it. He had never been more afraid in his entire life.

The wolf man paused for a moment. The little red haired boy was crying. Crying! The man inside the creature wanted to spare him, but the wolf was starving. The wolf won out.

Jaws open, saliva dripping from his fangs, the wolf walked up to the child and bent down to him. He sniffed, and as the teeth pierced the boy's skin, an arrow entered him. The wolf stopped, but the damage was already done. The boy's skin was broken. The wolf tried in vain to run away, but the person who shot the arrow was upon him, and fired another shot. The wolf was dead.

The red haired boy looked up. It was a kind stranger with a crossbow. The stranger bent down to help him. "What's your name, son?"

"Daniel Osbourne, sir. But most people call me Oz."


no pairing, btvs, drabbles, oz, challenge in a can

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