Trick or Treat!

Oct 25, 2010 00:01

Title: Trick or Treat!

Author: Shelly - cosmosmariner

Pairing/Characters: Face/Murdock

Rating: PG

Genre: Can be read either tv! or movie!verse.

Summary: Based on a prompt from ateam_prompts: Murdock asks Face to take him trick-or-treating. Bonus points if Murdock gets them to go in themed costumes. DOUBLE bonus points if Face gets all teary-eyed cause the nuns in his orphanage never let him have Halloween. TRIPLE bonus points if Murdock freaks out when Billy gets into his candy afterwards and eats all his chocolate. QUADRUPLE points for a sugar-high-induced make-out session. I was able to hit all buttons but the third (Billy, sadly, does not make an appearance...)

Distribution: Please ask me first, otherwise go for it!

Disclaimer: I am so not the creator of the A-Team. That would be Stephen J. Cannell. If I were, there wouldn't have been any girls in season one, and Frankie wouldn't have ever joined the team.


Face knew he was in trouble when Murdock came to the door with a pair of mouse ears on.

“Uh, Murdock? Can you tell me why you asked me to your apartment on Halloween night?”

Murdock’s grin stretched across his face. His eyes twinkled with glee. “We’re going out tonight, Faceman.”

“We’re going out, and you’re wearing mouse ears?”

“Of course. You can’t go trick or treating without wearing a costume. Everybody knows that.”

Face threw his hands in the air. “Trick or treating? Costume? Oh, no, no, no. Murdock, you can’t be serious. We’re…well, let’s be honest here, we’re old enough to have children who could be going trick or treating!”

Murdock peered into the mirror in the hallway, carefully drawing whiskers on his face with a black eyeliner pencil, darkening the tip of his nose. “You’re never too old to have fun, Face. C’mon. Please?” He turned around and stuck his bottom lip out. “Please, Face? Go with me. C’mon.”

Face sighed. He knew there wasn’t anything he could do to stop Murdock from going, and he might as well go with him to keep him out of trouble, or to keep him from being lynched by nervous parents who thought he was a pervert. “All right.”

The pilot hooted out his joy, slapped his leg. “Hot dog! All right, your costume is…”

“Wait a minute! I didn’t say anything about dressing up.”

“I just said you can’t go trick or treating without a costume no more than three minutes ago! Weren’t you listening?” Murdock smirked at his friend.

“You were talking about you wearing the costume, Murdock! Not me!”

“But I got you a costume and everything…”

“What am I supposed to be? What are you supposed to be?”

“I’m a mouse, obviously.”

“Where’d you get the ears?”

Murdock darkened the drawn-on whiskers and added a few dots to the apples of his cheeks. “When I still lived at the V.A., they took us to Disneyland one afternoon. We all got mouse ears.”

“Why does your ears say ‘Cubby’ on them?”

The pilot smiled. “Oh, I didn’t say I had my ears still, just that we all got them.”

Face resigned himself to the fact that no matter the fact that Murdock was technically sane, he was still going to be more fanciful than the regular guy on the street. Of course, this added to his charm, but made him difficult to live with at times. “All right. You win. What’s my costume?”

Murdock ran into the other room, and came out with the most garish yellow pieces of cloth in his arms. He dropped them at Face’s feet. “Ta-da!”

Face picked them up gingerly. There was a pair of yellow sweatpants and a long sleeve yellow t-shirt with big, black circles drawn on them in magic marker. A pair of yellow Keds rounded out the pile.

“What am I supposed to be, mustard?”

“No way, muchacho. You’re cheese.”

“Cheese? I am not going to be cheese!” Face dropped the clothing back onto the floor. Murdock bent to pick them up and thrust them back into Face’s hands. “I refuse to wear this awful color.”

Murdock leaned close to Face, his breath tickling his neck. “Face…what do mice like better than cheese? Nothing.” Then he slowly licked the curve of Face’s ear.

The blond man shivered. “Uh… well, I suppose I could be a piece of cheese for a few hours…”


Face was glad to be at the last house in the neighborhood. Murdock’s plan, albeit nuttier than squirrel poop, was actually working. Together they had brought in a full pillowcase full of candy. Murdock had snuck a piece or two of the candy while walking down the street, and was currently crunching on a handful of strawberry nerds.

“OK, then. Last house, Murdock.”

Murdock rang the door bell. “Trick or treat!” he bellowed.

The lady of the house answered the door and looked at the two grown men, dressed as a mouse and cheese, standing at her door. “What the hell?”

Face, ever the con man, smiled apologetically. “Ma’am. This young man next to me lives in a group home. He has the mental capacity of a seven year old boy. He wanted to go trick or treating and of course, he needed to be chaperoned. I promise you that we will be giving this candy to the neighborhood children, but please, just humor him.”

Murdock smiled. “Trick or treat!” he said brightly.

The woman chuckled. “All right. Here. Have a good night!” She handed Murdock a large Snickers bar and closed the door.

“Score,” the lanky mouse whispered. Face smothered a laugh.

They walked back to Murdock’s apartment. Murdock pours the contents of the pillowcase out on the floor and starts to sort through the candy, tossing out the terrible orange and black nasty taffy that old women and cheap bastards give out, and throwing it promptly in the bin.

“What are you doing?”

Murdock looked up, a serious expression on his face despite the mouse whiskers. “I’m sorting my candy, Faceman. Haven’t you ever done that?”

Face sat down next to Murdock on the floor. “No. I’ve never done any of this.”

“Any of what?” Murdock asked.

“This,” Face said, waving his hand over all the candy. “Trick or treating.”

“You mean, you never dressed up and went door to door and ate yourself sick with candy?”

Face shook his head. “No. The nuns thought it was of the devil, so we didn’t do anything like this. We had ‘harvest parties’ and bobbed for apples, but no candy for us orphans.”

Murdock stopped picking through his candy, turned and faced his best friend. “Would you like some of mine? I mean, you did go with me and rightfully, some of this belongs to you.”

Face quickly looked down at the floor, and rubbed a hand over his eyes. “Ah, Murdock. You… you’re too good for me.”

Murdock smiled. “I know. But you can’t have this giant Charleston Chew. That is mine.”

Face reached over and grabbed a handful of Reese’s Pieces bags. “Oh, I love these!”

The two men ate their way through a large pile of candy before stuffing the rest back into the pillowcase. Murdock started to giggle slightly after the last Twix bar; the combination of candy and dark coffee had made him extremely hyper. He looked at Face, licked his lips, and pounced.

“Murdock! What are you…gah….get off of me, you…”

The pilot scraped his teeth down Face’s neck, and the squirming stopped. Then he drew Face’s earlobe into his mouth, sucked lightly. Face shivered. “Well…”

Murdock raised himself up, then took possession of Face’s mouth. They kissed and groped each other blindly, only occasionally coming up for air. Face pulled on the mouse ears, broke the string and threw them across the room.

When Murdock sat up, he started to laugh. Face frowned at him. “What’s so funny?”

“You. Oh, god, go look at yourself in the mirror.”

Face stood up and walked to the hallway. On his face were the charcoal colored smears of Murdock’s mouse makeup. He could hear the pilot choking with laughter in the other room.

“Murdock, what am I going to do about this? I can’t go home looking like this!”

“Who said anything about going home, Face?” He waggled his eyebrows.

Face smiled, and started running up the stairs. “Trick or treat, Murdock!”


community fic, face/murdock, humor, the a-team, previously posted, slash

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