
Sep 20, 2010 20:43

Title: Transformations

Author: Shelly - cosmosmariner

Pairing: Face/Murdock

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Sexy times, and also a panic attack.

Genre: Based on the TV show characters - no movie reboot here.

Summary: Once they realized how they felt, they had no other option but to explore... Part of the Shadowgraphs universe.

Distribution: Please ask me first, otherwise go for it!

Special Thanks to: Kathy and Snacky, for encouragement and inspiration.

Disclaimer: I am so not the creator of the A-Team. That would be Stephen J. Cannell. If I were, there wouldn't have been any girls in season one, and Frankie wouldn't have ever joined the team.

Mine, what does this word signify? Not what belongs to me, but what I belong to, what contains my whole being, which is mine insofar as I belong to it. -- Kirkegaard, from Either/Or


Somewhere along the way Murdock had lost his jacket. The t-shirt he wore was thin, and Face could feel the heat radiating off of him in waves. There was too much clothing, way too much...

Face had been kissed many times, by many women, but it never affected him the way that Murdock's kiss did. He felt weak; he wanted desperately to sit down and catch his breath. It wasn't to be, though, since Murdock continued his assault on his senses. He ran his hands up and down Face's back, his soft lips gliding gently on Face's.

The sport coat that Face wore fell to the ground, his fumbling fingers getting caught in the knot of his tie. All the while, Murdock kissed his cheeks, his jaw, softly nibbled on his earlobe. "God, Murdock," Face moaned. "Just wait a minute."

"I can't. I've been waiting since 1970."

The knot on the tie was loose, but it didn't matter now. The shirt Face wore was ripped open, buttons flying across the room. In the back of Face's mind he considered the fact that this shirt was Brooks Brothers, but he didn't care. The only thing that mattered was Murdock.

The small, gentle kisses became one, long, deep kiss. They fell back onto the bed in the room. Murdock had taken off his t-shirt. Skin to skin they laid together. Face thought for certain he was on top of a hot ember, and that he would soon catch on fire himself.

Murdock stopped for a moment, looked up at Face and giggled slightly. His eyes twinkled; Face wasn't sure if it was merriment, nervousness, desire, or a mixture of all three. "What's so funny, Murdock?"

"That tie," he giggled again. "Your hair. I can't tell you how perfect you look right now."

Face smiled. It was good to see the old Murdock again. It felt like he had gone back in time, to those days in Hawaii, the ones that had burned themselves in his memory. The smile was there, the light in his eyes, the soft chuckle in his voice. This was the man that he fell in love with, the man that bewitched him for years. The man he never thought he would see again.

Funny what love did to a person.

Face slid down Murdock's long, lean body, touching him all over. He stopped, moved slightly to straddle him, then bent over his torso. Kneeling, almost worshipful, he bent his head to Murdock's shoulder. The shrapnel scar was there, an angry white line on Murdock's tan skin. Face smiled at him, then gently...oh, so gently...traced the scar with the tip of his tongue, then blew on the wet trail. Murdock moaned. His skin was feverish, the sensations of Face's breath caused goose flesh to rise. It might sear him alive, but he didn't care if he spontaneously combusted in Murdock's arms. It would be worth it.

"You're killing me," Murdock said between clenched teeth.

Face continued to smile, to kiss, to lick; around his nipples, down the flat hollow of his chest, and finally to his pants. Before he realized what was happening, they were naked. Face had long wondered exactly what Murdock looked like. Oh, he knew what he looked like, sure. But not through the blurry haze of lust, and not when Murdock was returning the favor. All the years of sleeping next to him in bed, watching him as he slept had paid off. Face could never imagine, in his wildest dreams, what was under his pajama bottoms the whole time.

Face closed his eyes, laid his head on Murdock's chest. He listened to his heart beat; sweet, wild and free. It called to him, always had. Today was no different...but this time, he would answer.

He reached up, gently touched Murdock's face with a trembling hand. Here he was, a middle aged man who felt as clumsy and nervous as a teenager in the back seat of his father's car. In a way, he felt like one. Face had never been with someone when it was an act of love. And he did so love the man.

His friend. Now, his lover.

"You can't have all the fun," Murdock purred into Face's ear. Gently, with with a surprising strength that Face had forgotten he had, Murdock flipped him over onto his back. Then, with a wicked glint in his eye and a come-on smile that Face only dreamed about, he moved down Face's body, and licked Face's erection.

Oh, God. Father Magill and all the sisters could pray for his soul right now, but Face thought that if he were going to Hell, he didn't really care. Hell couldn't be any hotter than Murdock's mouth on him at this very moment.

His mouth, slowly moving up and down, lightly grazing him with his teeth, the tip of his tongue softly flicking the underneath of the head. Face sucked in a breath; it was amazing, this feeling of absolute and complete surrender to someone he could trust with his whole heart. There was nothing to prove, only to be loved and to love in return. That he could do.

His hands gripped the sheet, and he didn't know what to do, couldn't think at all. He could only feel, and sense, and say Murdock's name over and over. He bucked a few times, almost sobbing by the time of his release.

Murdock raised his head, a slow, satisfied smile stretched across his face. "Did I do okay?" he asked. His voice was unusually husky.

Breathing heavily, Face could only grin. "Yeah... better than okay. Much, much better."


They had fallen asleep holding one another. Face seemed to fit perfectly in Murdock's arms. After years of sharing a bed together, Murdock knew that Face liked to sleep on a particular side of the bed. This time, there was no side. They were tangled together in the middle.

He watched his dearest friend sleep the sleep of the unburdened angels. The years had been kind to him. A few wrinkles, the smallest crinkle of crow's feet around his laughing eyes, a few grey hairs appearing at his temples. He knew that Face was worried about showing his age, but to Murdock it added to his appeal. And that this moment he never looked better in his life, sated and warm, smiling, and wearing the look of a man who was well loved and loving in return. That was Face's best look by far.

Murdock ran his hands through Face's hair, kissed the hollow of his neck. He did all the things he wanted to do for all those years. "You destroy me, Templeton Peck," he whispered. "You've ruined me for anyone else."

Face started to move slightly, turning toward Murdock. His eyes fluttered a little, then slowly opened. That electricity that Murdock first felt in 'Nam was right there in the room, with those sizzling blue eyes staring straight at him.

"Hmm. Baby." Giggle.

"So, now I'm Baby?" Murdock asked.

Face yawned. "Always were... c'mere, so warm...."

Murdock held him close, placed a kiss on his forehead. "Always?"

"Mmm hmm. Opie knew."

Opie. Murdock hadn't thought about his old friend in years. No reason to, really; Opie had died a few months in a firefight a few months after Hannibal, B.A. and Face were shipped Stateside. With Opie's death, Murdock felt truly alone since all his close friends were now dead or as good as dead.

Face continued, "Used to bunk with Opie, 'member? He heard me dreaming. He heard me. Never said anything, though."

"He never said anything to me, either."

Face was becoming more lucid; he rubbed his hands over his eyes and shifted slightly in Murdock's arms. "I asked him not too. Didn't want to jeopardize anything. I didn't have anywhere else to go. And I needed you."

Murdock was quiet for a moment. "How long is always, again, Face?"

"Since the first time I saw you. Do you remember what they were playing on the radio? I do. I'll never forget it."

"There is no girl, in the whole world..."

"That can love me like you do..."

Murdock smiled. "I feel stupid."

"You shouldn't," Face smiled back. He lifted his head towards Murdock's. "I'm good at deception, remember? And you are bad at ink blot tests." He reached up, slid his hands behind Murdock's neck and pulled him down for a kiss.


One bottle of grape Nehi in the fridge.

Murdock opened the bottle and sat down on the sofa in the living room next to Face. He took a big, gulping drink of the soda. He turned to look at Face, held the bottle out to him. "Double shot of my baby's love?"

"No thanks."

"Suit yourself." He pulled another swig from the bottle.

It was a companionable silence, one that Murdock didn't mind so much. His mind wandered, like it so often did, to those harsh, green jungles. Only this time, instead of sad memories and what might have beens, he looked for clues to what had been staring him in the face for years. Working backwards to unravel the mystery; it didn't make him exactly Perry Mason, Nick Charles, or even Jessica Fletcher, but it was something he needed to do.

"Say, Faceman. Were you the one who persuaded the guy at the club to carry these?"

"Got him to carry milk for B.A., too."

"Huh. Always thought it was you. Never thought about why, though."

Face put his hand on Murdock's leg, gave it a gentle squeeze. "It is my job as requisitions officer to provide much needed support to our troops."

"I don't think fizzy soft drinks are the support they had in mind. Besides, I wasn't your troops, not really."

The blond man smiled, laughed a little. "No, but you were my Murdock."

"So, why did you? And how did you know, anyway?"

"I heard you talking to Ray one night about how you and your grandpa would drive out to some general store and get bottles of soda pop. Your grandpa got the orange, and you'd get grape. And I wrote it down on my notepad and saved it for future reference."

"That's the how. But the why?"

Face looked down at the bottle in Murdock's hand. "What would Dr. Richter say about subconscious longings?"

Murdock only stared at him.

"Uh...well...I was hoping that maybe I could seduce you with grape soda. And I liked the way you held bottles in your hands and knowing that I put that bottle there...well, it was like I was in your hands, and that's..."

"That's where you wanted to be?"

Face smiled. "Yeah."

Murdock looked into Face's eyes, held his gaze there for a moment. "So this whole time, you've been keeping me knee deep in Nehi because of one conversation you heard me have with Ray almost seventeen years ago?"


"God, I love you."


Three Days Later...

Face brought the last box in from B.A.'s van. The plan was as follows: Face would be living with Murdock temporarily until he decided where to go. At least that was the impression that Face gave to B.A. and Hannibal. He wasn't sure they would agree with or even like the idea of Face and Murdock together. In that way.

Maybe B.A. would be okay with it. The man never ceased to amaze him. He was an enigma, and was protective of Murdock at times. It was the same way that Hannibal was protective of him, that family sort of way. B.A. and Murdock, brothers from another mother as Murdock so cheerfully put it. And Hannibal was the dad he didn't have.

B.A. seemed to want the best for Murdock. Although he wasn't sure that the man would think Face would be best for him. This type of thing... well, if they were still in the military it would be a problem. Hell, it was a problem anyway. That was why they had to keep it quiet, for just a little while longer. There was one thing that Face wanted to make crystal clear, though, to whoever had an issue with his and Murdock's relationship. Nothing would change it. Nothing would stop it. And no one was going to keep him from it.

"Murdock? Hey, I'm back."

The apartment was quiet. He knew that Murdock was there, his jacket was hanging over a chair in the tiny dining room.


He set the box down and walked into the bedroom. He saw Murdock curled up in a ball next to the bed, looking at photographs. His eyes were glassy. Face knew what it meant - he was having another panic attack.


"I'm dreaming again. I'm gonna wake up and be at the hospital again. It's not real. Nothing's real," he sobbed.

Face ran to him, took Murdock's hands in his. "You're not dreaming."

"You're here... you're here... Christ, it's just like every other dream. Don't leave me, Facey."

"Murdock, I'm here. You're here, too. And it's not a dream, this is real life, this is you and me." He caught Murdock's chin and held his head still. "Listen to me. I'm here."

Murdock blinked a few times. "I was afraid... things were too good, and then you were gone and I thought..."

Face grabbed him by the shoulders, gave him a deep, long kiss. Murdock gasped for breath, then Face kissed him again. He unzipped Murdock's pants and touched him. He was already hard, which secretly thrilled Face. He stroked him softly, all the while whispering in his ear.

"I am here. This is real."

Murdock sounded breathless. "You are here. This is real."

They stripped each other down, barely landing on the bed. Arms and legs askew; hot, searing kisses that trailed down each others' throats, shoulders, chests.

"Hands, baby. Use your hands on me," Face moaned.

They touched one another as they kissed, firmly, deliberately. Murdock lifted one shaky hand to Face's hair, then gripped his head while he deepened their kiss.

Face could feel the heat of Murdock's body enveloping him. He wanted him, needed him so much. They could never be close enough. He continued to touch Murdock as the pilot held Face close to him, lightly kissing his jaw, the tip of his nose.

"Trust me?"

Murdock shook his head yes. "Always."

Face fumbled in the Dopp kit that he kept next to the bed. He found the little bottle of lube that he purchased two days prior, and put the bottle next to Murdock's chest, to let it warm to body temperature. Murdock was always so hot, he figured it wouldn't take too long.

He struggled with the top, cursing his traitorous fingers. "I need you."

Murdock moaned, trying to hold Face closer to him. "No, don't leave."

"Trust me," Face whispered. He applied the lube and pulled his lover to a sitting position. "H.M., trust me..."

Slowly, gently, he slid down onto Murdock, stopping inch by inch to adjust, to watch his lover's reaction, to prolong the intense pleasure of being connected body and soul to this man he had hungered for. Murdock sucked in a deep breath, gasping for air.

"You are... oh, Jesus."

Face whimpered a little, slowly rocking back and forth, his erection rubbing on Murdock's taut stomach. "Touch me. Please, please," he pleaded.

His lover, his best friend. Could it ever be better? He moved with a little more force, scraping his nails down Murdock's back. Murdock in turn stroked him, in time with every featherlight thrust, until they both started to breathe heavily, skin slick with sweat and heat.

"Oh. Oh. Jesus, God...Temp..."

Face stopped rocking, climaxed against Murdock. He withdrew slowly, then collapsed next to him. Murdock held him close, kissing his forehead, and held his hand against Face's heart.

"Face. This is real."

"I know, baby. I know." Face could feel Murdock's smile against his skin. "You and me, we're as real as it gets."

face/murdock, the a-team, slash, shadowgraphs universe, adult themes

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