Once And Future Temptation

Jun 16, 2010 20:51

Title: Once and Future Temptation

Pairing: unrequited Willow/Angel

Summary: She is an obsession.

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with Joss, ME, or anyone involved in the BtVS franchise.

Dedication: velvetwhip - this humble story is for you. I wish you nothing but the best, the most amazing fanfiction anniversary that anyone has ever had. All my love to you, my darling!



Red hair, velvet skin, shy smile. She haunted his dreams and tormented his waking hours. He could imagine the softness of her breath on his neck, the soft sighs as he traced every curve of her body with a roaming finger. He could feel the muscles tense when he took her, slowly, prolonging her restlessness. The flush of release when he stoked the flame higher, taking his pleasure from her own.

Just once.

He wasted his nights sitting in that damn tree, watching her. Wanting her. He watched her while she read, played around on those chatty rooms she was so fond of. Listened as she laughed on the phone with someone. Probably the Harris boy, who didn't know a good thing when he saw one. Watched her sleep the peaceful, unburdened sleep of humans. It had been so long; he could barely remember what it felt like.

What he could remember, vividly, was the rush of the physical; the overwhelming desire that burned between a man and a woman. Every night, watching her, needing her so desperately, and not knowing why...

Just to taste her. Just once.

willow/angel(us), btvs, willow, angel/angelus, adult themes

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