It's Exchange Season Again!

Nov 30, 2010 15:32

Hi, guys! December is tomorrow, and we're ready to start posting gifts! We have a total of 48 gifts to go up this month, so we'll have new fic/art every day, often twice a day! We're really excited, but we wanted to just briefly mention a few things about exchange etiquette first. I know many of you probably already know this, but it never hurts to reiterate:

1. Do not respond to comments left to your fic/art when signed in to your user name until after the exchange! If you feel like you MUST reply to a comment (I know I always like to reply to the person I gifted), please do so anonymously. We don't want to ruin the surprise before the big reveal in January! After the reveals are up, however, you may reply as usual.

2. Not everybody reads/views everything, and we know that, but if you read/view something you like, make a point to leave a comment! This was a big effort to put together, and all of you are awesome and worked really hard on this; we want everyone to have a good time, so support your fellow exchange participants!

3. PLEASE leave a comment for whoever wrote/created art for you, no matter how you feel about it. In a perfect world, you will love every bit of your gift, but it's sadly not a perfect world. We sincerely hope that everyone is happy with their gift (we put a lot of effort into matching people up well!), but even if you're not squeeing with joy over it, that doesn't change the fact that someone volunteered their time and effort to create something for you. More than likely, you will be able to find something to praise, even if your gift isn't everything you ever dreamed of.

4. And as long as we're talking about comments, please don't flame or otherwise comment with anything that might be construed as criticism. The first should be obvious (common sense and common decency), of course, but as far as concrit goes, some people like it, and other people can be offended by it. Please only offer concrit if the author/artist specifically requests it in their header.

5. Enjoy! It's going to be a great December! First gift goes up tomorrow!

cm_exchange Mods

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