Oct 07, 2010 16:50
As you know, we require that all fics submitted for the exchange be beta read before they are submitted. For the past couple of years, the one thing we always hear from people is that they don't have a beta and/or don't know where to find a beta. So this year we thought we would make this easier on everyone. We know some of you on this community are probably willing to offer beta services, so we wanted to put together one central post for people to both offer beta services and/or find a beta.
If you don't know, a beta is someone you get to read your fic before you submit it. The idea is not for someone to just read it and go, "This is great!" That's nice, of course, and everyone loves to hear it, so we certainly don't discourage it. But the primary purpose of a beta is for someone to try to catch your mistakes and help you correct them to make your fic better/more readable (if that's needed).
So, if you are willing and able to beta for someone (or multiple someones) for this exchange, just copy and paste the text in the box below into a new comment, fill out the form completely, and post your comment!
LJ Name:
Contact method (email, PM, or whatever method you prefer someone reach you to request a beta):
Genres you can beta (slash, femslash, het, gen, angst, fluff, etc.):
Pairings/scenarios/kinks/etc. you will NOT beta:
Ratings you are comfortable betaing:
Any areas of special knowledge that you can help with (medical knowledge, police procedure, grammar, etc.):
Turn around time (how quickly can you beta read and return a fic to the writer under normal circumstances):
!mod post,
!beta list 2010